
112 Dispatching

Bǎo held her in his arms. He'd wrapped her in the soft blanket he had brought with him, ever hopeful she would still be alive. She trembled and moaned in her sleep, reliving the experiences of her ordeal.  With each tremble Bǎo's anger grew. He couldn't hear any of the words being said around him, all he could hear was a rising tide of anger, of disgust, of abject hatred. Looking down into Xin's sleeping face, he made up his mind. Lying her down, gently by the fire, he stood up and grabbed a sword. The swordsman looked up but said nothing. He watched as Bǎo walked toward the hut and went inside. Talking outside fell away as the screams and pleading came from inside the place. Bǎo was dishing up his own retribution.  Then a loud crash came from inside and the screaming became louder, more hysterical, the pleading even more urgent. Bǎo walked out leaving a deep, orange glow, growing behind him. As he walked away he didn't look back as the place erupted in flames, and ...

111 There they are....

  It was almost dark when we arrived. The blades and arrows weren’t as adept in the dark as Băo’s men, so they hung back, following us in small groups. They were quiet but not as silent as I would wish. Approaching the first dwelling it was clear this was not the place, no lights, no smells, we moved on. Another dwelling and the same result. Băo tapped my arm and pointed. In the distance I could see a faint light at what would be window height. I smiled. I dropped into a crouch and the men did the same. In whispers I told the blades and arrows to stay at a distance but kill anything they saw move. They nodded and moved out, creating a circular shield around the building. No-one would be getting in, but most importantly, no-one would be getting out. The next circle was that of the Blades. They created a tighter circle around the place; that left me with the eight most senior Blades. Hao remained in the outer ring with the troops whilst Băo maintained the second ring. I went toward...

110 Forward

We had never seen that look in Niao's eyes. There was a dead, black, evil; the look of a tiger as it prepares to pounce. The look that puts fear into those who are with her, let alone those against. She stalked out of the meeting room, a wide path being created as she advanced. "Wait!" was all she said as she left. We looked at each other, no-one daring to speak. I knew her best but even I was silenced by that inner power.  We waited. Within minutes, she returned. She was dressed in her skins, her hair in it's pony tail. She had thick arm guards, a wide neck guard and shin pads over her hand made running shoes.  She carried a pouch on her side. I didn't dare ask what she was carrying. "You ready? We leave. Twin Archers, Twin Swords, you lead. Bǎo, which is the fastest way for your pride to travel?" He shook his head for a moment, stunned by her presence, "um, there's a trail which goes further into the mountain. It will take us most of the way t...

109 A poor calculation

The training was going well. I was working with another group from Twin Archers. My aim was to improve their aim as they negotiated the terrain. They had to keep their wits about them, aiming, firing, reloading and staying out of trouble as they silently moved from one place to the next. It was a big ask, but many archers saw the benefits of being sleight of foot, and listened both to mine and others suggestions. The quivers were changed to pouches and their positioning was also changed. Strapping to hold them static was deployed, each fitting the bowman.  Today, they were out chasing a moving target. They were excelling. I was so proud of them.  "Time." I called out and jestured the sign. They stopped and came running over. All crouched automatically, something else I instilled in them.  "What next?" one smiled, panting, "that was brilliant Ma'm. Thank you. I really feel ready to take on anything." He raised his hands and placed them in prayer mode, b...

108 A Respite

The guerilla war waged on. Mu and Zhang men greatly outnumbered ours but we were pushing back. I had taken a rare day off to sit silently by my small hut and allow my brain to relax. Xin had wandered off taking the remainder of the pack with her. She was an Alpha in waiting and worked the men with exemplary skill. Slowly, I let her take more and more control. Soon I would step back and let her lead. I wanted to train the cubs, and be allowed to bring them on.  I was tired of all this worldly chaos. 'Let me teach the cubs the skills and mental state of the river, the unseen words of the book.' I smiled and returned to my tea. The paddy fields were turning gold in the evening sun and I mused on the value of this crop. 'How ironic the sun agrees, this crop is worth its weight in gold. It'll feed many in Shipao this winter.' The days had grown longer and warmer and I wished for solitude. I loved my extended family and the people associated with it, but I wanted to rest....

107 Tactical changes

Second Master and Major Bǎo stood at the head of the troops. They had all tried, somehow, to assemble outside the Manor House on their parade ground, squashing in so they could hear. Many more were standing outside the Manor gates which were thrown wide open so they could see and perhaps catch the occasional word. "Today is the start of something new." Second Master surveyed the men's faces, he knew this was very different warfare from his father's day and very different from what the men had engaged in to date.  He continued, "We are no longer the army of Chen, the army of Shipao, we are Twin Hammers, we are of two nations and we grow stronger through it. I raise my fist in salute to the men of Chen! The men of Shipao!"  The roar went up. Men smiled and raising their armaments shouted the name, "Twin Hammers! Twin Hammers! Twin Hammers!" punching their fists in the air. "Our methods of attack will no longer be face-on with sword and spike, ho...

106 Calling in the cubs

Xin let out a roar, 'come out of hiding, cubs, follow my sound.' She had a different roar to mine but the men should understand, at least I hoped they did. Slowly, men began to appear. The shock on their faces when they saw the two men of Mu was something. I couldn't determine if it was because they were Mu or rolling around in agony, foaming at the mouth, whilst Xin sipped tea smiling as she watched them. "Oh, you're here, like some tea?" The nonchalance with which she spoke threw them. She smiled and raising her cup in salute to them, "haven't you sat and waited for prey to die?" She turned to the two Mu men. She tutted and shook her head, "they are dying slowly," and leaning forward towards the one who bragged about chucking the girl down the well, " you dying in pain? I do hope it's excruciating. I do hope every bone in you aches, I hope the pain in your skull feels like ants eating your brain away." She paused as the ...