78 A different sky

Second Master looked into the morning sky and watched as more birds gathered overhead.
Their raucous calls alerted all around to a feast which had been laid on the table. 
He watched their progression as they moved further toward the gorge. He imagined the scene. Dead falling, their blood oozing into this foreign land, their limbs possibly dismembered. Others would be wounded, calling out for help and knowing it wouldn't necessarily come in time, only to see the sword come down and separate their soul from their body.
He saw the birds, emboldened by the mounting dead and dying, coming in and, with their sharp beaks, tearing lumps from wound sites.
Tears began to fall from his eyes. 
He hated war. 
He hated its brutality. 
The fear in those young men's eyes as they lay there watching the crows coming to peck at them, trying hard to fend them off until they couldn't anymore and succumbed to the pain of their attack. 
Men watching as their leg or arm was sawn off because of so much damage. Of being held down as it was done and only passing out when the pain overtook the brains ability to cope. Some never woke again, the experience was too much.
He turned from the window. 
His brother was out there.
"Attendant!" He called out waiting for the expected, rapid reply. 
" Is there any news from the front as yet?"
"Not yet Sir," was the polite reply, " but there are two officers waiting outside to see you. Shall I show them in?"
Second Master turned and nodded.  This would hopefully bring good news from within the town itself.
Fighting had been fierce and unsurprisingly, the towns folk were on edge.
"Sir." The two men stood to attention, bowing respectfully.
"At ease. What can you tell me? Please, let it be successful?" Second Master was worried and needed as much information as possible before he went to a meeting with the Zhang officers.
" The fighting was mainly confined to the northern strip around the town, Sir, with some skirmishes reaching the outskirts."
"Did we lose many men? How many injured?"
"Only two lost, Sir, but we did take some casualties in the Back Lane area. They were ambushed, Sir, but fought off the aggressors."
"Sir, I was just off Back Lane when it started, and we went in to support. I'm pleased to state, all foreign invaders died and only three of ours were injured, one seriously. They're at the infirmary now."
"Good, good." Although they knew Second Master was listening and absorbing it all, his mind was wandering further afield.
"Sir? Is there any news from the front? We saw the birds gathering? Do we know if that's good news?"
The two officers shuffled apprehensively. They were used to General Chen and his aggressive manner. As yet, they'd not worked out this man, but it was clear he was proving to be very different from his father. 
He cared. He understood. He valued those around him.
A weak smile came across Second Master's face as he looked at the two weary men. "Nothing yet but by the looks of those birds, there's been a mass killing. They can smell fresh blood and are gathering towards the gorge. I suspect it's good news." He grinned, and a knowing look came over his face. "The latest unit to join the fight is that new unit under Officer Bǎo. He, and two women, left last night." He turned to the window, "and looking out this morning, I would suggest they didn't sleep at all last night."
He shook his head, 'that Niao, and Xin, a frightening combination. I'd not want you to be in their sights.'

Dawn was just breaking. Xin and I hunkered down in one of the many gullies in this area. It was out of sight but easy to defend. 
We had been busy. Many men lay with their throats cut and their guts exposed (a signature of ours one could say) and the birds were already settling in the trees.
We had sent up grunts alerting the carnivores within the area, but their sense of smell would be leading them to a 'table full of carrion'.
Out of her bag, Xin pulled a small pouch of tea. "Time for a cup?" She smiled as she got out her cup, kettle and the water we had 'borrowed' from the men. 
We'd also availed ourselves of some food, so, setting a small fire, we prepared a much needed reprieve. 
"Tea, after exercise, nothing hits the spot quite like a good tea." Xin grinned, "good to be back Niao. Really missed you." She hugged me and went back to the revelry of her drink.
"How do you think we've done?" She turned her head to face me, but I could sense she was on full alert as we quietly spoke.
"We've cleared this area that's for sure. At least, all those who had fires." I looked out towards the gorge. "Mind you, it won't be long before others come and we must find their main route through." 
I stopped speaking as a small hunting group of wild dogs padded past, their noses following the trail of blood.
" It looks like the men have had a successful night as well." Xin was looking over to another area where we could see birds swooping down, out of the sky. "The invaders must be rattled by this," she said almost absentmindedly. "What's that over there?"
I trained my eyes in her direction of sight. "Well spotted, Xin. I think that's one of the ways through. Drink up. We'll come back later for food. Gather your belongings, let's investigate."
She'd spotted a gulley where a few men were making their way through. 
"Got your catapult?"
She grinned, " oh yes, and the bone needles have been specially laced."
"Okay, let's go."
We headed towards the gulley knowing none of those men would make it far. I reached for my catapult and needles. 
More were going to die. We were sending out a message, loud and clear.

Hao Yang looked out over the morning sky. The raucous sounds of birds was deafening and the men were rattled by it. 
He called them all together. "Men, we have deployed additional tactics and the evidence of their success can be seen overhead. Take this as a sign that we now have the upper hand. Today we re-engage with the enemy, knowing even the natural world fights on our side." 
As if on cue, the roar of a mountain cat reverberated around the surrounding hills.
"Yes, even the king of the natural realm announces his presence." Hao Yang grinned inwardly, always ready to take advantage from everything given.
'Good luck all of you out there. Stay safe.' His mind pictured Niao and Xin doing what they were made to do and smiled. 'One day we will sit by the fire again and enjoy fresh meat and a vegetable soup. One day we will laugh again. One day.'
His thoughts placed to one side, he returned to the orders for the day.


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