1 In the beginning

The night was dark and still. The moon hung in the sky bathing the world with its stark light creating illusions and spinning stories. The families were asleep save one; the midwives had gathered, a birth was about to begin.
My mother pushed hard and within a couple of hours I was born into this world, this time, this place.
It seemed strange to be here and I starred around the room and looked at the faces. I didn't cry, I took a breath and looked expectantly. All that squishing and being ejected had taken its toll. I was tired. I rolled over to sleep.
The midwives looked at the child just delivered. She was unusual. Her hair was silky black and long, well past her knees. Her skin was dark, a mahogany tint shone in the light of the fire. The girl had been born without eyelashes or eyebrows but her hair crested forward in a peak like a bird. Her features were already that of a grown child, her facial features more akin to an adult rather than a new borne. No big eyes, no rose bud mouth, no pretty pink cheeks, this one was already old the day she was born. Her nails were long and almost manicured into the desired dress of a lady of the court. Her hands were long and elegant; already she knew how to hold them, to move them, to seduce with them. Like a lady from the harem, she gave the air of greatness.
Her father looked on in surprise unable to speak. What had he produced? Her mother looked at him, worried by his reaction. Would he reject her? The child? Or both?
The midwives put his mind at rest,
"Be proud, Jin Luii, you have brought an old soul into this world. She will achieve much in her lifetime, but she will be a loner and difficult to understand as she is gifted with insights we will never know. Keep her safe and teach her your skills. She will wield the hammer with ease, she will carry her sword into battle."
With this they got up to leave. As they pulled back the curtain across the doorway a bird was heard calling in the distance. The women smiled,
" Call her after that bird. Call her Niao."
And so I came into this world, heralded by the screech of a bird. The village was yet to meet their newest arrival and I already knew this would develop into a traumatic childhood.


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