23 Meeting the second son
I sat watching the young men for what seemed like hours. I had tidied the camp and put away everything I didn't need into my bundle. Now, all that was visible was the fire pit and a roll of skin.
"Let's get out on shore for a while!" I heard one shout to another.
"You go, I'm heading back , got drill practice this afternoon and he'll skin me alive if I'm late."
"Oh, heavens, is it this afternoon? My drill master will make me run the training grounds again if I'm late. I'm off. Who's going back, I'll catch a lift with you."
With that one very overladen sampan returned to wherever it had come, leaving two young men behind.
"You not on drill duty today?" the taller one of the two asked.
"No, not today, I'm on at four bells so have plenty of time. Fancy going to shore, drying off and seeing if we can find something worth catching, not practiced my hunting skills for a while. What about it?" and with that they pulled the boat to the waters edge and wedging it on the bank, climbed out themselves and started drying off in the sun.
"Can you smell that? Smells like garlic." He looked around. I shrunk back and closing my eyes, gave less for him to spot.
"Mm, it's coming from over there somewhere, must be a patch of wild garlic" and with that, he continued leaning back and soaking up the sun.
I settled down for the long wait. I was hungry. I'd not eaten since last night and it was already heading towards the high sun. My stomach growled and they both heard it.
Instinctively grabbing their weapons, they yelled in unison,
"Who's there! Come out and show yourself!"
The game was up, so slowly and carefully, not making any sudden movements, I stood up, watching them both with a wary eye. I was acutely aware they both had swords trained on me and I was also aware they knew what to do with them. They could dispatch me within seconds.
I held my hands up in a passive manner, "Come out and show yourself clearly! How many of you are there? Come out or..." His voice trailed as I carefully stepped out of the bushes.
"At least I'm clean," I thought with a grin, "but I really must stink!" It lightened my mind and a small smile played on my face. I watched carefully and kept a distance.
"Who else is there? Come out or we will kill her here and now!" The taller one of the two was barking the orders and I focused my attention in his direction.
"There is no-one else, just me, I travel alone."
As I came closer, the smell of garlic assailed his nostrils and he recoiled, covering his face with his spare arm.
"Stay back!" he shouted, " you stink. Don't you ever wash?"
" I have just finished bathing Sir, and applied garlic to rid myself of lice. I apologise if my presence upsets your ...." I couldn't think of a word, but he waved me to stand down wind and I did.
The two of them still held their swords toward me, "Go check where she came out from," the taller one commanded.
The other went to where my belongings were and hooked them up on his sword, bringing them out.
"This is all there was, no people, just this."
"Open it up, what's she got in there?"
"Please, please, I'll undo the bundle, please, don't tear it, its all I have," I cried, "Please. If you won't let me open it then at least be gentle with the cloth, its the very last piece I have." With that I fell to my knees and lowered my head.
I looked at her, 'Who is she? Where has she come from? She looks like a beggar, but her manner tells me a different story. She has a confidence out here in the forest I would never have, but kneeling there, head down, she is obviously distressed by our intrusion.'
For some reason I felt a pang of guilt as we set about rooting through her belongings. Xian, undid the bundle and spread the contents onto the ground.
My inward suspicions were verified and with a defiant look she brutally stared, directly into my eyes, "I told you there was nothing. I told you, but you wouldn't believe me. I told you I travelled alone. I told you. You still had to go through my belongings. My entire world is in this bundle. What makes you think you have the right to dictate to me!"
Her defiance astounded me. The look in her eyes told me she was as much of a killer as any top predator, and the scars on her arms, legs and face told of the struggles she has had to attain her position. In one breath she had gone from meek and submissive to menacing and dominating; she both frightened and exhilarated me.
"Please, stand up. I am sorry my lady but we have to be careful of ambush. We never know what to expect but hoped we would be OK in this part of the lake. Its not easy to get to and most people aren't even aware of its existence, so we were more than surprised to find you here."
She looked at me with those killing eyes, "I am not YOUR lady, I belong to no-one and don't touch my stuff!" She turned on Xian who was trying to put everything back. He winced at her ferocity and stood back, hands raised.
Yes, she was indeed a fascinating mix of killer and beauty; a mythical creature I had long dreamed of but never spied.
Until now.
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