28 A quiet day tanning?

The doe had not only provided me with excellent meat but a skin which would turn into something I could wear. Looking at it once it was fully scrapped, it would be large enough to make some arm guards and a jerkin of sorts. I needed more and aimed to kill another doe if I could.
"A stag would be better," I mumbled to myself, thinking of the size difference, " but what would I do with all that meat?"
I thought about the waste and shook my head, I really couldn't justify that size of a kill just for me. I looked in my bundle and found some tanned pieces, sinew thread and some bone needles.
My mind could visualize what I could do. I wasn't convinced it would be icy cold here but I wanted to be ready for whatever the Heavens had in store for me this side of the mountain.
I sat down at the fire and cooked the brain. This I then daubed over the skin soaking it with the fluid, I stretched it out over some bamboo poles I had brought with me and moved it down wind. I needed to see it but not smell it. I regretted not having a bigger pot so as to drop a whole skin in it to soak, but how would I carry it?
Next would be a smokey fire but that wouldn't happen for a couple of days, depending upon its drying time. "Might be ready tomorrow if this weather holds out," I said to myself as  looked into the sky.
The blue of the sky was intense and with only a few small, white, clouds about there was little chance of anything but a lovely day.
I moved the pot of foul smelling liquid down by the skin ready to dunk it once more, and clearing up the camp, I stripped off ready to enjoy a luxurious swim. 
As I walked down to the water's edge I saw the sampan come into view. I had hoped he wouldn't come back, but he had. I lowered myself into the water and looked at him.
I had been unable to sleep. I tossed and turned as I thought about what I should take? I had no idea and created lists then new lists then crossed it all out in my mind and made other lists. It carried on like this for most of the night until I couldn't take it much more. I got up and gathered my clothes. My steward came in, on hearing the commotion and asked what I needed. 
"Fill a bath for me first and then gather together some things I might need if I was going camping. I have to be able to carry it so don't pack too much stuff."
"Yes, Second Master, I will go right away. Would Master like some breakfast before he leaves?"
"Yes, make me a simple meal of say three dishes and plenty of rice. I'll need filling up."
"As you wish," the steward replied as he bowed and left the room.
'Do I really have any idea what I am getting myself into?' I pondered as my steward collected hot water and filled my bath. "Ooh, that's hot, pass me the cloth please and can you  clean my hair? I'm not sure when it'll get a proper clean again."
"As you wish. I have sent one of the maids to get your meal ready and she has gone to the kitchen to prepare it for you."
"Sir, I have laid out some clothes for you, I hope you find them acceptable," the steward looked at me hoping for approval.
"I'll take a look in a few minutes. Let me enjoy this tub and then I will dress. Has the food arrived yet?"
"No Sir, it will take a few more minutes, they are waiting for the rice to cook and then it will be brought up." 
The steward bowed once more and stepped out of the room. He was worried. His master was used to being pampered and having everything done for him. How was he going to survive this? He really doubted the sanity of this decision. 'He's still young and rash, maybe this will be his way of growing?' he shook his head and went to the Master's dressing room to check the clothing he had selected. 

He rounded the corner and coming into view it looked more like a peacock parading its tail and less like a young man ready to learn how to survive. I started to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.
"You came then," I said as I viewed the sampan travelling low in the water, "do I presume by the draft of the boat, you have brought much with you?" I grinned outwardly. Inwardly I was cursing him and all his stuff I was yet to see. 'It'll stay in the sampan and I will force him to take it back, its not staying here!' But he didn't know that. This would be our first argument. I was under no illusion it would be our last.
"Oh, Xin, come back and help me deal with this child!" I exclaimed in exasperation, more to myself than to anyone else.


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