36 Returning

I watched her as we pushed off. She'd removed her bindings from her hair and it flowed around her masking her face and shoulders.
It made me realise hair styles indicated position within society. With some hairpins it often indicates the person themselves. 
I reached up and took out the top bun I had always worn for as long as I remember and allowed my hair free reign too. It felt alien but I knew this was something no-one would expect of me. 
I was learning.
She slid under the top skins and vanished from sight; these skills were instinctive to her; new and fascinating to me. I could see how successful camouflage could be in combat. This was one of the skills of the assassin. Yes, she was showing me the skills warfare and I was eager to learn. 
Her quiet voice jolted me back from my reverence, " we go back, we leave no-one alive, there must be no reporting back."
This was a command not a request.
I turned the boat towards the shore and prayed there would be enough space to beach.
Her keen eyesight, again, trained through repetition, noted a spot, "aim for here and I'll pull us in," she whispered.
Using the wooden paddle I navigated us to where she pointed. 'Even now I only see those parts of her she wants to expose,' I muttered to myself, 'heavens, she's good.'
Landing, she pulled the boat until I could get out and help her. 
"Let's hide the boat so it can't be picked out from the water. Find your dagger, hide your sword in the bottom of the boat," she whispered," stay as silent as possible; sound carries along water stretches and they'll hear us talking. Gestures only, okay?"
I understand this and nodded. 
Collecting her two knives she gestured for me to follow and we began the slow walk back to our camp site, stepping over branches, under leaves. I was wary. What was sleeping in those branches? I shuddered and followed even closer.
Stopping, she turned to me and moving close to my ear, "as we get closer to our camp we will start to recognise the terrain. Moving will become easier then...until that point be as careful as you can when you move. Not only do you not want them to be aware of our presence but the day sleepers will raise the alarm if we disturb them." I nodded. 
We moved forward, she, silently with expert ease, me more slowly with novice errors. Every now and then I would make too much noise and she'd turn and reprimand me with her eyes.... God those eyes.


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