39 Bolting to safety
The man bellowed at me, eyes ablaze with such fury, hatred and disgust it radiated out from him.
I couldn't take that level of animosity.
I bolted.
I remembered the way we had come and in a blink of an eye, was out, round the corner and racing down the jetty.
I jumped into the boat, reached in and found Hao's sword and dagger. I threw them onto the wooden quay along with his change of clothing and cooking bowl. With that I cut the rope binding me to the shore and pushed off with all my might.
I had trusted him but he had not protected me from that onslaught.
I forced the boat into open water and allowed the current to take me back down river. As I drifted, I gifted myself some calming thoughts, reducing my anxiety levels.
And I began planning my next move.
After a short period it was clear no-one was following, so, relaxing further, I looked for a shallow point along the bank where I could beach the boat. There were parameters I needed; it had to be wide enough to haul the boat up, dense enough to hide the boat from water traffic and close enough for me to make a safe camp.
Tall order and more exacting than usual.
For some reason I didn't want to move far from the Manor, not yet at least. I kept looking and eventually a suitable place came in sight.
Not being a skilled person at steering boats, I got it as close as I could to the shore and removing my skins, I lowered myself into the water and dragged until it slid no further. Once I had it firmly beached, I hunted inside the contents, trying my best not to drip over everything. I found my comb, soaping stone and muslin cloth. Dripping as I went, I returned to the water for a much needed wash and pampering of my hair; it was dirty with blood and grime. I was probably just as bad. Thinking back, what did the pair of us look like when the Father came out? I shook my head and let the waters lift all negative thoughts off me.
I'd been here for a few days now and had settled back into my routine. I had some meat smoking over the fire, I had eaten well from the plentiful larder round here, and began musing over my next move.
I wanted to return to the Forge. I missed the place and the people and was beginning to understand I wanted the company of others; I had been alone too long. I had been alone long enough.
It wasn't that I was antisocial it was because I just hadn't met anyone I wanted to be around. Now I had, and although a part of me wanted to just start walking, another, bigger part, held me back.
I made up my mind. I would stay the day out, sleep and rise at daybreak. I would eat, pack up and walk. I was going to listen out for the regular beat of the hammers, I was going back to Second Master and ask to be taken on in some capacity. I calculated if he paid me each week in vegetables and maybe some meat so I didnt have to hunt, then I would be more than happy. I didn't need money, I'd never had it and lived a good life without it. Wouldn't this be a good barter? My time for an allowance of food?
The excess baggage gathered whilst I was with Hao I wrapped and tied in a bundle. I stashed it in the boat. If he came looking for me he would find it. If not then it was excess I could return to later if I needed it. In my heart of hearts I knew I didn't. I had taken the best furs and kept a few bamboo poles. I had two cooking pots and my two knives. Then there were my personal items, a comb, which I treasured, my striking stone for lighting fires, my washing stone and cloth, a few needles I'd crafted from bone, dried gut sinews, leather thongs and a few packets of various herbs and teas. Gathering it all together, I tied it into a shoulder bundle and gathering my walking pole, I set off, heading back towards the Manor and hopefully, the Forge.
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