40 The Smithy

It took me a few days, but I found it. I had, however been able to look around the surrounding area of the Manor and found the barracks as well as the training grounds. I'd not seen Hao but then I didn't expect to, but as I searched the area I had hoped to spot Xin Li at some point. No luck.
Second Master saw me approaching, 
"Welcome back stranger, come on in and share the fire. We have some tea if you fancy joining us?" as always he smiled that open, hospitable smile of his which would put even his enemies at ease.
"Come, sit down. Let me take your bundle, I'll put it over here if that's alright?" He pointed at the edge of the Smithy away from the fire and the sparks. "Thanks," I nodded and reached forward to take the tea which was being offered me.
"I hear you met my father," he smiled and throwing his head back roared with laughter, "seems you bolted and frightened him witless. You missed the rebuke A'Hao gave him. Seems it could be heard round the entire Manor." Once more he laughed and reaching forward patted me gently on my shoulder, "It's okay. My father is a difficult man and is like that with most of us, A'Hao included. I doffed my cap to him that day. He stood up for you and explained, well shouted in no uncertain words that the reason he was still alive (on two occassions now) was down to your skills."
I looked at him aghast. Me? I hadn't done much, I just did what anyone would do, hadn't I?
"Now, now, don't fret on it, its all water under the bridge. Do you want to come back to work or are you just passing through? If you want to stay then there's a job for you here, I need someone to produce some good quality knives and you certainly produce a keen edge."
I nodded. This was exactly what I needed. "I don't want any money, its no use to me, but if you could give me an allowance of vegetables and a little meat each week I can work as hard as you want. Hunting takes time as does foraging and if you can save me that, I can gift it to you in work. Would that be okay?" I hoped I hadn't overpaid my work. I hoped I was worth that much, "I don't need a lot, just enough to get by if that's ....." my voice trailed off. I was wary I had over stepped the mark.
"You want paying in vegetables?  Is that really what you want? Of course! I'll get the wife to organise a bag for you and you can take that to your camp." He laughed once more, "now drink up everyone, we have orders to complete and now we have an extra pair of hands, the work will go that much faster."


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