43 Naming
It was early in the year. The snows had cleared and although ice still hung in the shadows, the sun was tempting the first blooms of Spring.
Birds were thinking of nesting and I was cleaning the house after a long, hard and damp winter.
Hao Yang arrived early to give me a hand in moving stuff about as well as chopping wood, repairing the veranda roof and unblocking the stream of ice. We had become quite a couple although there was no agreement, no physical interaction, no words of undying affection, just two people of similar ages and values finding pleasure in each other's company.
"Tea?" I called from inside.
"Yes please, and do you have any honey left? A little would be nice."
I grinned, I'd already put a small amount into his cup and as I poured the tea, I watched it melt into oblivion.
"Ready!" I looked out the door, "Come on, let's take a break and enjoy the morning air. I want to hunt later. You come with me?"
He'd become much better at hunting over the months and we worked well bringing down larger prey which we could butcher and split with his brother. Sometimes he would take a large joint back to the Manor for his father.
Sadly, Father still wasn't willing to meet me.
"Niao," Hao Yang asked, looking quizzical, "what is your full name? I only know you as Niao. You must have a family name?"
I shook my head. I had no idea what my name was other than Niao, after that bird which apparently screeched at my birthing.
There was a long pause. Hao Yang thoughtful as he drank.
"Nice tea by the way," he smiled and remained deep in thought.
Suddenly, "Ah, got it. When I very first knew you, you were no more than a spirit in the woods. I genuinely believed you were a sacred being. You come from the forest and returned there. I never saw you, just a fleeting glimpse as you felled the attackers.
You are of the forest so your family name should be Ling, Ling Niao, spirit bird. Perfect."
Looking satisfied with himself he drank the last of his tea, "any more? That was delicious."
I sat, stunned. From nowhere I'd been named again. I'm not sure if I had any feelings on the matter. Did it worry me I'd no family name?
I shrugged. Human society expects so much, why can't it just accept 'as is'?
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