46 Fallout
"That is it! Father, I have had enough of your hatred, your displeasure, your callousness. She is important to me, do you hear! She has saved my life twice now and all you can do is terrify her, just like you terrify most of the people who have the misfortune to work for you!" Hao Yang was angry and much of what he said came out after years of bottling it up.
"I know you blame me for your wife's death, but Father, she was our mother too! Do you think about that? Does it cross your mind in your blind hatred of me that I might hate myself because she died giving birth to me?"
Hao Yang spun on his Father, " You wish I had never been born, I get that. You dote on my brother. I get that too. Well, if you dote on him that much, maybe he should take over the Manor when you die. Maybe the best thing you can do is let me leave this place!"
With that, Hao Yang started walking out of the Hall, "and before you start yelling at me, I'm moving out to the barracks. You don't have to look at me, and most importantly, " he yelled at the top of his lungs, " I don't have to talk or look at you!"
"Get back here boy!" his father yelled, "I haven't dismissed you! Get back here this instant! Guards! Drag that ungrateful son of mine back in here this instant, do you hear me!"
Second Master returned to witness the ending of the encounter. Father had stirred a hornets nest and this was going to run and run.
"Father, be careful. You've only recently recovered from a chest infection, don't over exert yourself. Look, let me talk to him. Let me see if I can find a solution to all this."
"You do. Knock some sense into that boy and if you don't I will!" and with that, he stormed off.
The war between father and son had been averted for now. But for how much longer? This depended upon the whereabouts of Niao and the inevitable mobilisation of the troups.
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