49 Winds of Change

It's lovely to sit and watch dawn break over the water. I sit with my green tea, a new found love of mine, and watch the world as it wakes.
The birds have started their songs, the frogs have finished their chorus and all is right with the world. 
Sighing with a contentment which runs through to my core, I sip my tea and contemplate my next move. 
Glancing over my shoulder I catch the sight of butchered deer drying over the fire whilst it's pelt stretches on a homemade frame.
It made me think of Yí Rán and I hear her lilting chatter in my head. Yes, I miss her, I miss the fun and excitement of the market and my ability to serve others; it gives me joy and fills me with gladness.
It was time to go back, but with a new perspective. This had been a time of self reflection, of values and self value. It had been a time of reckoning with my past, the present and possibly the future, and I knew that belonged with the members of the Chen household. 
It did not, however, entertain Chen senior.
I decided I would stay one more week and become fully settled within Me. I had changed. That whole incident changed me and in that split second of flight I had taken charge of my own destiny.
I believe I had grown up and entered society, "but this time not as a nieve girl but as a young woman!"

The river had become more active of late, with boats ferrying people, armaments and provisions. It made me wonder if mobilisation of the troops was underway. I'd been aware of a war in the northeast but as yet, we had not been called. I had a feeling this was about to change.
I started to pack. I had enjoyed my month of self indulgence, now it was time to re-enter the world and find my place.
Checking, I swept the floor, buried the ashes and thanked the forest for giving me shelter.
With that, I turned, and headed back to my house.


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