51 Unexpected pleasure

I hadn't expected anyone to be there when I got back, but Hao Yang was there, cleaning. I was surprised, to say the least, by his expression: he was crying.
Wrapping his arms around me felt warming; the emotions came deep from within him. It was a mixture of so many fears, desires, wants, regrets, all wrapped up in one very confused young man.
We enjoyed a tea together and he caught me up on the happenings at Chen Manor. Not once did he mention his father or his involvement. I really didn't wish to know.
"So, what do you want from me exactly?" I looked at him, hoping he'd worked this bit out in his head.
" I want you to come with us on this campaign. Your skills and knowledge will be invaluable to us and I will get to see you regularly. The other army will try and infiltrate from the side and I need your know-how to keep us safe? You can have some men to work with you.."
I cut him off. "No, they will be too noisy and cumbersome with all that armour. I will do it but I will want Xin Yi with me. We have run together enough times to trust each others skills and abilities. She is quiet, quick and ruthless."
"Agreed. I will ask her milliner to release her. Anything else?" I looked at him as I considered my next move. Looking at him, "yes. I won't have time to hunt or forage when I am working. I ask the battalion to give me rations so I can concentrate on the task at hand. I will also require access to you night and day once the campaign is underway so I can keep you up to date with what I'm seeing." I waited.
"Of course, to all your demands. As and when you need anything else.." I placed my fingers over his mouth, stopping him continuing, "Xin Yi will need a pair of knives along the same design as mine. Curved like this, makes killing all the easier." 
He nodded. 
I couldn't think of anything else I would need right now, but if I did, I'd ask.
"Which direction are we headed?" 
"North East from here. There's a lot of open country that way, less easy to be ambushed if we stay away from the mountains."
" I agree. I've travelled through those mountains and there's more than just an ambush by soldiers. It's mountain lion territory.  Extremely unsafe."
He looked at me, worry across his face. 
"It's okay, I'm still alive, but I had no intention of hanging around I promise you." I shuddered as I remembered that fateful night, "you're making a good call there."
He saw the tremble and pulled me to him. Why so protective all of a sudden?
I looked at him again. What has got into him?


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