52 The Long March
We had been on the move for nearly ten days. Progress was slow, dictated by the cumbersome and somewhat heavy wagons.
At times, the mud became so deep, men and mule worked hard to pull them free.
Nights were the worst.
Long columns of men, women and equipment, open to attack from enemy forces and beasts which were always after an easy meal, both attracted and repelled by the cooking fires.
I looked around. You might as well have had trumpets and acrobats announcing our moves. I was horrified by its inefficiency. I was more horrified by these people's lack of understanding of their folly.
We'd arrive and the enemy would be waiting, having already scouted out our size, capabilities and weaknesses.
I threw my hands in the air; ridiculous.
I stalked to the detachment officers tent.
"I wish to speak to Detachment Officer Hao Yang. Tell him Ling Niao wishes to see him on a matter of urgency." I waited as the soldier retreated.
Returning in moments he bowed politely and held the door open for me to pass. I stood in the entrance and waited.
Hao Yang came hurrying out, "is everything alright? Is there a problem?" His voice was concerned and his face held the fear he had offended me somehow.
"Yes, there's a lot wrong," I replied holding his gaze, " if this is the strategy for warfare, then it's failing on all fronts."
"But...." he paused, his mind somersaulting through his recent actions and commands, " what problems are you referring to?"
"How much do you wish the opposition to know about us before we engage? How much will we know when we finally arrive? Are they already in place? Are they scouting us out this very minute? Would you know if they did? If you were settled waiting for an army to arrive wouldn't you scout them out as they travelled?" I paused as he reflected on my thoughts, " tell me, if you we hunting antelope would you arrive with such a fanfare?"
His face blanched, I could see he understood what I was saying. Without turning his face from mine he called to his lieutenant, "Get the other detachment officers in here now. We need an urgent meeting."
"Sir," bowing his lieutenant withdrew.
"Niao, what are you suggesting? We are at your disposal." His face was earnest, I could tell his mind was open.
"Let's wait until the other detachment officers arrive, I really think I need to explain something to you."
It was clear from the faces of these young men, few if any had tasted real fighting. They had trained and were well drilled. Their skills had given them rank and status among men but I doubted any would survive long against Xin Yi or myself, not in the rough landscapes we were heading.
"Gentlemen, what I am proposing is possibly radical but would give us the advantage.
You each lead a small detachment of men, correct?" They all nodded at each other knowingly, " so if you lead them they are duty bound to follow?"
Again they nodded affirmatively, " of course, what are you..?"
I cut across him, "what I propose is, we leave the main army and its train of wagons, gather our survival bundles and travel ahead, taking out any opposition forces we may come across.
Being lighter and less encumbered by the train itself, we will move faster and arrive before the enemy expect us to. Play it right, and we will have the upper hand.
I will take a foreward position as I know this area." They looked at me quizzically, especially Hao Yang; I'd never told him of my long journey. "This is black bear and mountain cat territory. Anyone moving recklessly might well become lunch to one of these fine animals. They are hard to fight and even harder to beat," I laughed, "I should know, I nearly lost my life here."
Hao Yang's sudden intake of breath caught everyone by surprise. It caught him too and he ended up choking in his panic.
The look on his face said a thousand words, as he realised the probable origin of the deep claw marks on my back and chest. 'Yes, Hao Yang I know this area well,' I said in my heart.
"As I was saying. This is black bear and mountain cat territory. Both are shy creatures and will stay away from humans, especially a train like this," I waved my hands at everything around, " it's too noisy, too many fires, to many people moving around. No, they're fine but if we move off we're not." I looked around, hoping the coins were rolling down the slot.
"Knowing this, are you still willing to move out? Are you willing to risk your detachment? Are you willing to engage in what I call, a mercenary style of warfare?"
I waited. I knew some would decline but I knew one would follow, the detachment associated with Hao Yang. "Ask your men for volunteers, but they have to understand they take orders from me as well as their commanding officer."
With that I stopped and looked at them. I knew I was asking for something many would see as a court marshal offense, but the rewards were great.
"No," said one, " I will not go against the commander's orders."
"Agreed, this is a hanging offense, no I won't risk my men."
Several others said the same. I wasn't surprised. At the end of the day they were just boys doing a man's job and thinking the title made them special.
They were ensnared by the eddies of the bank and couldn't, or wouldn't see a bigger picture.
Hao Yang stepped forward as did two other officers. "We agree but we ask we put it to the men. If we are all in agreement....." they looked at each other, nervously nodding.
"How many men is that if we all agree?"
"Three detachments of twenty men in each, is that enough?"
I laughed, "that's perfect. We can do a lot of damage with sixty men and two women," they looked confused, " you not met Xin Yi? She is someone I trained a year ago." I grinned, " she may look innocent but she is a ruthless killer underneath all that."
"If she's anything like you," Hao Yang said, " then we have two secret weapons on our side."
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