53 Reducing the numbers

The more I thought about it, the more I knew I had to reduce the number of men from sixty, possibly unwilling soldiers, to maybe twenty who were right behind the idea and open to being guided by two women and, hopefully, Hao Yang.
Calling all the men together, I started sifting them out.
"Those who have hunted deer, step forward." About thirty or so complied.
"Thank you. Now, out of those who stepped forward, how many gutted your kill?" Again, all stepped forward.
"Thank you. Now step forward if you have ever camped for an extended period of time, say a week, and been self sufficient?" About fifteen complied.
"Thank you. Now the final question, step forward if you are married." A further four stepped forward  leaving me with a small group of single men.
"Those who are married would you please return to your comrades, and thank you for your cooperation." I bowed to them as they turned, still unclear what this was all about.
"Those of you who are left, step forward." They did so in unison, "Step back if there is a betrothed one waiting for you in the barracks." Two stepped back, leaving me nine single, and potentially useful men out of the original sixty. "Would the nine left please stand over here and stay? Thank you." 
I addressed the room, "I realise this has been rather unorthadox and you still have no idea what is going on but I would ask your Detachment Officer to take you back to your station, except for the nine men who are left, standing here." I pointed at my small group and wondered how many would remain once I explained everything to them. Total compliance meant we all stayed alive.
The three officers took their men back and returned as pre-arranged.
"What happens next?" one asked, "these men are from different detachments and haven't worked together before. Also, this means we cannot go with you. We have men stationed in the column who we are responsible for." They looked at one another hoping for an answer. 
Hao Yang was the first to speak. "I'm not sure how you are going to do this Ling Niao but you have my support. What do you want us to do?"
The nine men stood, looking puzzled, not really knowing what they'd volunteered for, the officers stood round me as I explained how I saw this would work.
"Give me these nine men," now they looked worried but daren't speak, "I will teach them as quickly as I can, then we move out and begin work. You will be our contact and I will keep you up to date as to what we find, what we have managed to do. I will also let you know when a detachment needs to do a job to protect the convoy. Your detachment will get the praise and we will remain anonymous. The nine men can get their glory from the detachments successes and that they are still alive to tell a very lively tale or two."
I looked at the men. They were young but if they were willing, I could keep them alive and teach them skills they would use.
"How does that sound to you?" I looked at the three officers. They conferred and then agreed. They spoke to the men, explaining they were on special assignments and were to remain silent about their whereabouts and activities. 
They nodded their compliance; thank heavens for army discipline.
Turning to the men, "take a seat all of you, I think it's time you had an explanation as to what is going on and what you have unwittingly volunteered for." They looked to each other for support but finding none, turned back to me. 
"Hao Yang, could you get someone to summons Xin Yi. The group needs to meet her. Also, could you get her to bring her fighting knives, she'll know what I'm talking about."
I looked at the men, " please, feel free to talk among yourselves, but at the moment, no questions. I want Xin Yi to be here too when I explain everything."


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