54 Proving a point
Hao Yang came in first with Xin Yi behind. When he stood to one side and ushered her through, the men audibly reacted. The sharp intakes of breath was something else.
She is a small lady with a simple figure, but her face is perfection and she knows how to turn heads. She tossed her head in their direction and smiled that seductive smile of hers.
"Gentlemen, beware," I said, "this lady bites hard and kills faster. Never try your luck, you might lose more than face."
She stood in front of me, bowed politely, and looking round, "master, I come ready, when do we start?" she said looking at the nine men standing there gawking with their tongues hanging out, "and these boys are....?" Her comment laced with insults hung in the air like toxic poison. Oh, she is good and she gets better at it every time I meet her. No wonder they have her working the ale houses, they must make a fortune.
"We leave shortly, but first we need to introduce our fighting skills to the gentleman here."
She spun round and looked at me aghast, "you mean we train those. ...those...." It warmed my heart to see her lost for words.
"Yes, we train them."
"Oh my god, were dead!" and with that she sat on the floor. Looking up, she grabbed my arm, "you are joking aren't you? You're not! Oh God, why did I have to volunteer to die this way. Pit me against a pack of wolves, wild dogs, a bear even, but teach this, this, " she waved her arms about, "this band of......" then after a few moments, "it's a joke, you're teasing me, you're not. Please say you are."
I held both her arms and gently lifted her up, "we've got two weeks to get these boys ready to move out. We've got a lot of work to do. The good news is they have all hunted and gutted their kill."
"That's a start," she interjected.
"They have all camped independently for a week."
"A week!" Xin Yi was almost hysterical by this point.
"Yes, for a week and we have to develop them into.."
" Killing machines in the forest settings?!" She just stood there in disbelief. " Okay Gentlemen, you're armed. I'll take two of you, try and attack me."
I knew how this would end, "don't hurt them, they're all we have"
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