55 Rearranging minds
After the initial incident, the men treated Xin Yi with caution. The speed with which she disarmed and disabled the two soldiers was laughable. Hao Yang was both horrified and gratified. There was a glimmer of hope for these guys, but he knew their skills didn't match these two goliaths of the forests.
"What do you intend doing?" he asked me.
" Xin Yi and I have chatted about this. As she said, we have to strip them of their preconceptions, take them right the way back to survival, then rebuild them in our style. It's the only way." I looked down at the ground and continued to doodle in the mud.
"Will they make it?"
I was worried, "I don't know. Maybe some will, most probably won't." Looking at Hao Yang, "I'd rather two or three well trained than five or six who could fail in the final moment."
He could see my worry and leaning forward, placed an arm around my shoulders, "if it helps, I'm already trained, " he laughed, " sometimes, in very embarrassing ways, but you showed me and I got it. If they fail to live up to expectations," he squeezed my shoulder, " then there is always the power of three in us."
"But what about your men?" I looked at him, my concern was clear.
"I have a small detachment of fourteen men. There are nine detachments. I could spread my men amongst them and no-one would be the wiser. Don't worry," he leant close to my ear, "there's always another way."
I stared into his eyes, he meant what he said. I knew I could rely on him.
Taking the men into the woods along the edge of the caravan's route, we began training.
"You have been told to follow my orders or leave the group. Let me reiterate, you take orders from myself and Xin Yi no-one else. If we say, freeze, we mean freeze. If we say do this or that, we mean what we say, is that clear?" I surveyed their faces. I could see some would prove problematic but we'd either break them or kill them. In the end those remaining would obey without thinking.
"First. Remove everything except your under trousers and boots."
Some grumbled, some balked some puffed out their chests ready to show off. Inwardly, I laughed, it wouldn't last.
"Next, collect a bundle already prepared; they are identical. Leave your garments, armour, swords and knives, you have all you need in the bundle.
Your equipment will be collected later and returned to your detachment."
A look of worry passed across some eyes but most got on with it. They knew something was happening and it was becoming less and less familiar.
" OK, Gentlemen. Follow us and keep up. If you get left behind, good luck because neither Xin Yi nor I will wait. It will be your responsibility to find us again. Is this clear?"
"Yes ma'am." The reply was crisp. At least I had created some order from this rabble.
"Xin, ready?" I looked at her and smiled, "like old times. I've missed it."
"Me too," and giving my arm a squeeze, she set off in front, setting a comfortable pace.
We'd prearranged a vague destination somewhere high in the forest where we'd not be noticed or disturbed. Now we had to find it wherever that 'it' was.
It took a few hours to find somewhere suitable. Our biggest problem was the size of the group. I'd seen and so had Xin, perfect spots for two or three, but we were eleven! Way too big a group to find a spot for.
In the end we came across a clearing which worked. I was suspicious of it but it would have to do.
Turning, I looked at the men, "if you want to eat or stay warm then camp has to be made. You hunt for your supper. You collect enough wood for two fire pits. Remember to make beds for yourself. There's a lot to do. Put your bundles down, open them out and find out what you've got to work with."
They would have a shock. It was the same as mine and Xin had had all those months.
No luxury and no comfort. At least they had two knives.
The men were on their own and we wanted to see if cohesion developed.
"What do you reckon is up this high? Goat maybe?" Xin was already thinking ahead.
"I'll get our fire set up. Where's your bundle." She handed it to me, and without a word, took off into the forest to gather food for us for the night. I wondered what she'd find. I hoped there were some nice vegetables worth digging up. I really fancied a warming soup; the weather was turning decidedly nippy at night.
Looking around the clearing I chose a spot right at the edge. Poking around I found no ants (how I hated them) so set up two brush filled beds, laid our two skins on top and set about clearing a spot for the fire pit. Our beds were close to the fire. I wasn't taking any chances out here, after all I didn't know what was out there.
We'd find out soon enough.
I set off in search of water. I'd smelt it as we came up here, so decided to get wood and water at the same time.
I heard the men in the forest. They were crashing about chasing their prey. First rule; allow the prey to come to you, then catch them, kill them, and second rule, do it soundlessly. I shook my head and returned to camp.
Setting my fire going, I waited for Xin. The water was on, I'd spotted some roots and shoots whilst foraging so was already preparing them as stock. The smell began to attract attention.
Good. If they went hungry they would appreciate our training to survive even more.
Xin returned. She had a small goat over her shoulder, already gutted , head and neck missing.
"I offered to the spirits." She placed the goat on the ground and set about carving it up to roast. I put some in the pot, it would add flavor to the herb soup. The men who had returned looked on. Some had a rabbit, others a bird or two but few had found much and none thought to forage for vegetables.
I looked over, "water gentlemen?" Without thinking some got up and as the light faded they went in search of water. This would be their first test and the dark, star filled nights cast an eerie light. It could play havoc with ones mind.
As Xin and I tucked into our food, Xin looked over at the pairs of eyes watching our every move, " so we teach them how to hunt and forage then?"
I nodded, my mouth too busy, pulling the succulent goat meat off the bone.
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