57 Debt payment

My arm was throbbing and no doubt still bleeding. I wanted to get it cleaned up, but the wolves were still here, making their rounds and introductions.
I turned to Xin and my part of the camp, and collected the remaining goat carcass. There was quite a lot left and would have kept Xin and I in meat for the remainder of the week, but protocol dictates and I went to the Alpha dog I had beaten and handed him the food.
He looked nervous but took it in his jaw and turned. A muffled cry told the pack it was time to go, and dragging the carcass between his front legs he left. 
Time for my arm.
Xin turned it into a schooling.
" In your packs you'll find a bone needle and gut. Don't lose these, each needle is hand made by us and curved so you can use it one handed.
Notice, Niao is placing the blade of the knife in the fire; this is to heat it up and sterilize it.
Next she'll tip near boiling water over the wound to cleaning out. You'll notice it starts bleeding again? That's were the knife comes in. Clean off the soot then apply the knife to the wound. It'll sizzle and hurt like hell, but you must stem the bleeding and this does the trick. Lastly, use your needle and thread to sew it up."
I've no idea how the men were dealing with this, I was busy. I took the needle and thread and began drawing the gash together. I had so many scars..........
"Any questions gentlemen?"
There was silence. I've no idea if they were watching intently or turning away in disgust, I really didn't care, I'd just saved their lives.
"What would have happened if we'd all attacked at once?" one of the guys asked in a rather cocky manner, "surely, I could have overpowered a few of them and killed them. The others could have taken some out too" He looked round for agreement, grinning from ear to ear, his chest puffed out like some pompous ass.
" What with?" Xin asked, "with that single knife? With your bare hands? Get real lad, her actions saved your life. She has a gashed arm and that's it. The fight lasted how long? Moments? If you'd taken on the pack what state would you be in?" She shook her head in total disbelief.

"Cut this, will you," I asked, she obliged without stopping her tirade.

"You idiot! You think you know best, well let me tell you, you know nothing. She has bought us safe passage throughout their territory. 
She has given us protection should we fall foul of bears or mountain cats." She stomped and glared at them, "you're here to learn. To do that, you ask questions which support learning not ego." She screeched in frustration, then sat next to me.
"You always were the firebrand out the two of us," I grinned. She looked at me and my giggles subduing her anger.
Pushing me, "you! You always do that! God I've missed your infuriating peace of mind," and with that, she hugged me. "What now?"
"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm hungry," grinning I looked about and raised my hands in mocking despair, "but theres nothing here!"
She laughed, "OK gentlemen, I think its a quick hunt for breakfast, before we pull out for our next day of walking."
They groaned but complied. 
Sheer hunger would force them into a successful kill. I was interested in seeing when this would happen. I was also interested in how that one young man would settle. I clearly needed to reduce his arrogance but in what way I'd not worked out yet. 
I stayed in camp. Seems everyone left at once leaving no-one to mind their precious stuff. 
Hey ho.


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