58 Arrival of Detachment Officer Chen
We'd been continuing with the training for a over a week now and things were coming to a head.
Some were gelling with others, forming cooperative pairs, whilst others were becoming more belligerent, argumentative and disrespectful.
The necessary showdown was here. Xin and I could put it off no longer.
I went off and brought back a reasonable sized deer, plus some vegetables and herbs, then set about creating a large roast for everyone.
Some of the more amenable men joined in, collecting the cooking pots, water and the much needed wood.
For some this was the goodbye, for others a deciding moment.
I was aware of approaching footfalls and looking up, recognised the tall, slender figure coming into view.
He had removed all army paraphernalia, wearing his hair in a half pony tail, tied with black ribbon. His clothes were simple leggings and black jerkin. At his waist, two fighting knives and over his shoulder, his bundle. He'd wrapped heavy leather forearm guards onto himself completing the outfit to a 't'.
"Thought the men needed encouragement from one who's already gone through the process."
He looked at the men staring at him, not knowing how to react, " tough isn't it when the usual rules are disbanded. Took me a while and she threw me on my backside many a time." With that he threw his head back and laughed," I've slept on badly constructed beds, been bitten to death by fleas and ants, coped with an ambush by the Mu tribe, thought my guts would never eat again, " he looked at me with a softness and placing his hands together in respect to his master, he bowed to me, " and this lady not only killed those who tried to kidnap me, but kept me alive even when I really didn't know how to walk in these lands."
He turned and looked at the men, "Seems to me we've reached a turning point. Had a feeling it would come about now. It did with me. Anyway, I note a large fire a decent sized deer...anything you need me to do?"
Those who'd been grumbling went sullen, their silence palpable.
Some were asking Hao Yang about what he'd experienced, how long he'd been learning and had he met the wolves?
At that he looked over at me and glancing at my arm, "alpha dog?"
I nodded.
"He kowtowed?"
I nodded again. "Good. Arm ok?"
"It's fine. Should have picked up my arm guards before I left, my mistake." I replied.
Mentally, I was making a shopping list of all the things we needed on us, the bundles were fine as they were but the clothing had to work and work in all situations.
"My brother can make us sets of these," he said looking at his own ones, "I was also thinking of shoulder and upper back guards, but needed to talk to you about that. Oh, I also wondered about swords."
The men became interested in our conversation and some went to interject. Hao Yang held up his hand stopping them, "I was thinking. The long swords we use are all very well in open fighting but when working in these situations I would have preferred something three quarter length."
I listened, he was making a lot of sense. " Yes, that would be better in the undergrowth and when climbing over rocky cliffs."
"It's also easier to run with. They won't get snag on anything which could be problematic." He looked at the men, "any comments?"
They looked at each other and some were about to speak when Xin Yi stepped in.
"Let's get the fire and food sorted first, eat, then discuss. Agreed?"
The men nodded and busied about getting things ready.
The meal went well, 'full bellies maketh the man'. Even the naysayers smiled reluctantly.
We discussed experiences, fighting, swords, next steps, and returning to the detachment. All was discussed.
"So gentlemen," he looked at them earnestly, " it's time to make a commitment, or not, whichever you feel most comfortable with. Those who wish to return to their unit will find no stigma, no retribution. You tried something and it wasn't for you, that's fine. I'll take you back to the caravan where you can wash, dress and return to a unit."
He looked at a few he recognised as from his own detachment. " If you're one of my unit then you will be deployed into another as my unit has been disbanded."
I looked at him, shocked by his admission.
"Father, " was all he'd say and he grinned, "Let's say we had further words and he stripped me of my rank. No matter, I will eventually rise to the top."
I placed my hand on his arm, I was saddened by the news and wondered if I had been the kernel of this latest argument. Placing his hand on mind, he smiled, "means I can join you and be if far more use to the cause. We have two detachment officers who I can work through. They'll keep me updated and when my father falls, I will be there to pick up the pieces of Chen."
I hoped so.
"Right, Gentlemen, it's decision time. Those who want to return, gather your stuff together and come with me down the hill. I'll get you back into camp without anyone noticing. Two detachment officers will take over from me once you arrive." He grinned. "If any want to give it a go, then I'll see you in a couple of hours. Niao, where are the arm guards? With my brother?"
I nodded.
"OK I'll bring two sets for now and once we know who we have left, I'll put orders in for other bits and pieces."
He blew Xin and I a kiss and, gathering the men, started walking back down the hill.
It would be dark by the time he got down, but he'd find his way back. He'd trained well. I smiled. Be good to have him back, I missed him.
I looked around. Three men remained. I thought as much.
" Well Xin, it's the six of us and we have to make it count."
"We will," and with that, she gave me a hug, " we have something they'll not expect." She grinned. "Wolf power." With that, she grabbed a knife, cut some more venison and started talking with the three remaining men.
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