60 I hear a call
We'd covered some distance but that was tempered by the fitness of our partners. Bǎo was doing well, but crashed about making more noise than a boar on the rampage.
Not far from us, I could hear more noise, birds scattering in alarm and suppressed curses. There were a few boars running tonight but none had four feet.
I heard a call.
It was Xin Yi.
It sounded fed up and ready to quit, not the sound of, "I've found a camp spot" more a "can we please stop, this is killing me."
Next, was Hao Yang, polite in his call, but only responding to Xin Yi. I called, equally tired, only providing a response.
I stopped, we needed to meet and make decisions. I called again, this time calling them in. I heard the grunts of reply and waited.
Xin Yi was first to arrive and looked at me exasperated. Bó, sagged and sat down, panting.
Next came Fù who fell into sight, tripping over a fallen tree branch. He was followed by Hao Yang who gave me a look, "was I ever as bad as this? If so, slap me now."
Xin Yi looked on, "I hope I wasn't but then chances are we both were at some stage. Looking back, how did Niao cope with us let alone keep us safe?"
They both shook their heads. "We have to make the travelling easier than this to start with, any ideas?" It was Hao Yang who voiced his opinion, Xin Yi just nodded in agreement.
Bó looked up, "I'm sorry, but this is new to us. We are trying, honestly, but yes, we are finding this hard going." He looked at his brother, " we've not been worked hard like this even when we were in the ranks, not even when we first joined. I sorry if we fall short," with that he bowed his head and Fù, his brother followed suit, "sorry, sorry," was all he said.
Bǎo was equally silent, then, after thinking a while, " I understand why we need to be pushed, we've got far worse to face when we engage, right?" He looked at me waiting for me to nod, " then we have to push through this. We will get fitter the more we work our bodies. Paddy fields are harder than this, I promise you," he chuckled to himself, "anyway, I think we're being tracked, did you notice that lift of birds just now?" He pointed to a spot over his shoulder, " I'm thinking it's not human."
I nodded. I'd been aware of the soft padding behind us for some time.
"Light a fire quickly. Do not stray out of sight, collect wood from around us and be mindful in your movements." There was an immediate response to Hao Yang's command, these men were well drilled at least and within minutes a fire was alight.
"Start collecting more to burn and be ready, it's not bear its the wrong smell." Xin Yi looked at me, "cat?"
I nodded. "Give it time, hopefully it'll move off in search of easier prey, but for now we're safer to just stay put."
I heard her. She was with cubs and no doubt they were hungry. She was going nowhere.
"Everyone settled? I'll see you in a bit. Xin Yi, Hao Yang, can you keep watch and let these three sleep? Mum needs food for her little ones. I'm going to lead her away with a kill. I promise, I won't be long."
They looked worried, "need any help?" Xin Yi asked.
I shook my head, " you're much needed here. Take care of them," and with that I was gone.
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