63 Fading in and out
We ate, cleared up and buried our waste, then set off down the hill to the narrow valley floor.
Cart tracks littered the surface making our progress harder, but anything was better than fighting the wooded areas around us.
I jogged alongside Hao Yang but my shoulder was singing with the pain. I wanted to stop and just curl up as I had last time but we didn't have that luxury, we had to catch up with the army as it marched forward.
I reckoned we were about a day, day and a half behind them now. If we kept going we could cover the majority of the distance during the light hours and then rest as the night drew in. It was risky but we had no choice.
What concerned me more was sourcing food and water. Xin could take care of that, I was almost done.
Huáng put his arm under mine and holding me round my waist helped me by lifting me up and lightening my steps as we ran. I was relieved. In this fashion we kept going. My legs automatically ran even though I was barely conscious.
"We need to stop soon, alright?" He looked at me with deep concern on his face, " the bandage will need changing, you're already bleeding out."
"Okay," was all I could say. If he hadn't grabbed me tightly when he did I would have collapsed on the floor. He must have seen it.
"Okay everyone, we stop shortly," he said over his shoulder, " I can see a good stopping point ahead where the track opens out. We'll make camp there." He scooped me up a bit more, I was slipping from his grasp,
"Bǎo, drop off your bundle and collect wood, Fù, Bó you collect the water jugs and get them filled. It smells as if water is ahead, go find it.
Xin, can you drop off too and.." before he could finish, she interjected, "go hunting for something. Yep, no problem. Tell you what, if we keep these duties from now on it'll be easier. Is that agreeable?"
Noises of agreement came from the three men. They were puffed but no where near as exhausted as they had been travelling in the forests.
I was just glad I could stop and drop. The wound needed cleaning out and recuaterising again.
"Not much farther Niao, keep going."
I nodded and forced myself to stay conscious.
I don't remember the camp being set up but when I came to, the fire was burning and something was cooking. No meat, but Xin had found some really starchy tubers and vegetation which combined to make a thick soup. We had a few herbs stashed away, which she added. It might not have been to everyone's tastes but it was like nectar to me.
I drifted off to sleep. I don't remember my shoulder being cleaned, seared or redressed, but I woke in the morning wrapped up in Hao Yang 's arms under his skins. I was surprised but felt so safe and warm. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it a little longer.
When I woke, Hao Yang was no longer there, I'd been unconscious it seems, for a few hours.
"So what shall we do? She's obviously not capable of running all day, " Xin asked.
"I'll carry her if needs be but I think you'll find those legs will automatically keep going as long as I hang onto her."
"So what shall we do?" That was Bǎo, "if we take both your bundles then all you have to carry is her. We should make good progress that way. She's small and light, so apart from the worry of opening up the wound again we should be good to go. What do you reckon?"
I opened my eyes, " Seems like a sensible decision. If Hao Yang supports me I should be able to keep going for a while. If I pass out, then he will have to take my weight." I looked at Hao Yang ,"sorry for causing problems."
He shook his head, " no worries. What I'm hoping is we can catch up with the train and lean on their medical supplies as well as get food rations from them." He looked at the others, "right, she's woken up so let's pack up, clear up, bury the waste and get going."
I don't remember the rest of the day, but the next time I came to I was in a bed in a wagon being treated by medics. Hao Yang must have managed to get us back to the train and seek medical help.
I looked about, " welcome back little lady, glad to see you stirring. You've been unconscious for a few days and your friends have been very worried."
I tried to move but the pain through the shoulder was vicious.
" Keep still little one, that is a nasty wound and the infection is bad. I'm pleased to say the worst is over and we can expect you up and about in a few more days. I think Hao Yang will be both relieved and delighted. I suspect he will stop by shortly."
The doctor looked round, " Ah, there he comes," turning to Hao Yang , "she's improving and awake, come see."
"Niao, you really scared me, I thought I'd lost you," he sat down on the corner of the bed and taking my hand, " I will never let you do such foolish things again. Please. Promise me you'll keep yourself safe."
The look on his face was sincere. If he could have held me he would but he couldn't.
"I can never promise anything you know that," I spoke as gently as I could. I meant it, " but you must accept I am of the forest and as such am liable to such things. I take it as part of living. Please, don't try and keep me safe, it's like placing a bird in a cage, and that's not fair." He went to speak and I stopped him, "I can promise you this. I will be careful and avoid unnecessary risks." I looked into his eyes, "promise."
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