68 Just pretend

I saw Hao Yang and pretending to be the forlorn wife, ran over to him, shouting, "husband!"
He looked perplexed but spoke to one of the other Detachment Officers, and slipping from his horse, came over to me.
So as to complete the charade, I flung my arms around his neck and buried my head into his neck.
" Hold me as if I was your wife. We are being watched, of that I have no doubt."
He swung me round and smiled widely, " I went out to the watch tower the other side of the gorge and I think its a set up. I really do not believe the men there to be from this town. I believe you will be ambushed as you travel and finished off when you arrive. I believe there is a plot to remove Chen from existence. I could be wrong, but my hackles are up and my sixth sense is ablaze."
With that, I dropped down and looked lovingly in his eyes. He reached down and buried his head. "Thanks for that. I've been wondering too, our moving out was brought forward. The men are tired. They'll not fight as well. Track us, and when it's safe, call and I'll find you." 
With that he kissed me.
I wasn't sure if it was for effect of for real but it left me giddy. " I must go my darling wife. Thanks for our news. A baby. Wow. So proud right now " he blew a kiss and ran back to his position. Mounting his horse he continued to smile, but I knew he wasn't spreading the news of being a dad, more that they would move at half pace.
I smiled indulgently and went back into the town. I needed to contact two people and we needed to get moving as soon as it was safe.


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