69 You're being watched

Like any animal being preyed upon, there is a sixth sense which tells you where the threat is.
If you watch antelope they turn to face the threat, head up, super vigilant, waiting for the tell tale movements of the predator before they turn tail and run in the opposite direction. It gives them the advantage of distance to remain ahead of the game.
I was no different but I didn't face the one following me, I sauntered through the streets as if nothing was amiss. 
I walked into the milliners shop and taking a surreptitious glance over my shoulder, saw him.
Thought so.
I walked in as if I'd seen nothing and spotted Xin. 
The look I gave was one of caution. She'd seen it many times when we were being stalked. She looked past me and saw him as well. 
He had taken up a position at the coffee house opposite and waited.
"He'll be waiting an awfully long time," she grinned and wrapping her arm around my shoulders, guided me into the back room. "There won't be anyone here for a while, they're all out serving. No one will miss me," she paused, "what's up?"
I quickly relayed my concerns and she listened, attentively, without interrupting. 
"So, that might explain some of the murmuring I've heard in some quarters." She paused and thought for a while. Grabbing my arm, "I think I might have it. There are some families who have packed up and left. There's some religious celebration or something, but they all seem to be of one tribe and not from here. Those folk who've lived here all their lives hate them and reckon its great they're leaving." She looked into my eyes, "you don't think they're getting out because this place in going to be ransacked?"
I had no idea, but with pretty much all of the Chen troops making their way to probable annihilation,  I was at a loss what to do next.
"We have to alert someone, but who?" 
I'd not seen Xin this agitated before but then she'd made friends here. Bǎo was here......"Bǎo's here!" I looked at her excitedly, "tell me I'm right, Bǎo is still here isn't he?"
"Er, yes, but what can he do?" She looked confused.
"He will know someone back at barracks, someone we might be able to trust?"
At that moment, a big mountain of a man came into the back room from the alley, "you're being watched. You know that, don't you?"
We looked at him and grinned.
"Hi, and yes, that's why we're here."

We talked for some time. The man at the coffee shop was getting restless,  I knew I had to move soon and maintain this pretense.
I agreed to meet them at Second Master's smithy that evening and headed out the front door. 
With a backward smile and wave, I turned up the main street and towards a second home from home.
I checked. The man paid his bill and was on my tail in minutes. 
I'd been kind, I'd not lost him.


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