70 What we got 'ere then?

I kept a steady pace surreptitiously maintaining a distance between the man following me and myself. The bundle over my shoulder conveniently 'slipped' irregularly, so I was able to check behind me.
I was concentrating so much on him I missed an important gut feeling.
Two men jumped out from the side street I had just passed, grabbed me by my mouth, and pulling me backwards, dragged down the alley. I was pinned against the wall, my arms above my head, their leering faces close to mine.
Both stank of tooth rot and alcohol, it was disgusting. I turned my head away,  retching at the smell.
The taller one, who was holding me tight, had one hand fumbling around my waist, trying to get inside my clothes.
Alarms went off in my head and a red mist of disgust, fear and anger washed over me. ' How dare he!'
I began to struggle but he held me tighter, "feisty little one we got 'ere, ain't we," his face so close, he was spitting in my face.
'I'll kill you!' I screamed in my head, ' so help me, you're dead meat!' And lunging forward, teeth bared, I bit hard into his face. I felt the explosion of blood in my mouth, "I'll kill you, you little hore." He released one hand and slapped me hard. "Wanna play games? I'll play games," and grabbing the back of my hair, wrenched my head back. As he went for my neck I squirmed one hand free and grabbed a knife.
"Oh no you don't!" He went to grab my free hand but came into contact with the knife blade. I ripped into his hand cutting it virtually to the bone. "You bitch, you little bitch," and slapping me hard once more he stepped back. 
" Dōng, you sort her out, the little hore, she's cut me 'and" and with that, he slapped me to the ground. I saw stars and my ears were ringing.
This Dōng character was big, slow and I suspect simple. He lunged at me, drooling at the thought of fresh 'meat' but lost his footing and collapsed in a heap on the floor.
"Sorry, boss," and lifting himself up of the floor, lunged in my direction. 
I dropped to the floor, spun behind him and with both blades severed his tendons behind the knee. He wasn't going anywhere in a hurry.
I looked at the other guy, clutching his hand and began walking forward, rage filling every sinew in my body.
'How dare he!' And with that thought in mind I lunged at him, both knives ready to rip his heart out.
"Okay, Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please, please, I'm sorry." I watch him as sheer panic and fear took over.
He soiled his pants. 
It was all over for these two and I guessed they'd never forget me in a hurry. 
Inwardly I chuckled.
I reached down, watching both of them, and, grabbing my bundle, backed out of the alleyway.
How I disliked towns, they attracted some disgusting characters with foul motives, and even more foul breath. 

I wanted to run, I wanted to scream, cry, growl, yell. I wanted to let the pent up aggression and fear out but I held it all in.
In my mind I saw clear water and heard the sound of birdsong. I saw all my emotions as nothing more than eddies of water caught round rocks near the bank, and pushed my mind back into the stillness of the middle of the flow and relaxed.

I had no idea where that original man was, so looked around; nothing but the movement of men and carts towards and away from the military quarter. I shrugged, he'll be around somewhere.
I turned into the square situated in front of the military headquarters and prayed I could get someone to come see me.
I didn't recognise either of the two guards on duty, so I waited, hoping someone would come out or arrive, who could help me before, that is, I was sent away for loitering. 

I squatted down opposite the gates, out of the way of everyone but giving myself a clear enough view of all the comings and goings. The sun was going down before I saw anything of use.
A man walked towards the gates. I recognised him as the one who had been following me. Who was he?
Before I realised I called out, "Mister"
He turned and saw me and with that, he came over.
"You slipped out of sight. Where did you go?"
His comment was to the point, but lacking emotional concern or interest.
" I was dragged into an alley." He looked at me, " if you don't believe me, there's a very unpleasant man walking around with his cheek bitten open to reveal his black teeth and another with a very disabled leg.
The man laughed. "I'd heard you were not to be messed with and you do indeed seem to be, how shall I put this? Aggressively independent!" and throwing his head back in laughter, added, " I'm here on behalf of Detachment Officer Chen Hao Yang. He asked me to keep an eye on you and to act as a liaison between himself and his brother and of course, yourself. Here," he reached into his pouch, " I carry a seal of his. You are Ling Niao?"
I looked at his quizzically, " So you are...?" I had no idea.
"My name is Wáng Hàorán, but please, call me Hàorán. I am one of the scouts used by the House of Chen, here is my seal for that role. It gives me access to the military buildings in front of us." He looked at me, " is that where you need to be?"
I nodded.
"Come," and offering his hand to help me up, " you can come in under my seal."


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