74 Same but different

My first day of freedom was no different from any previous day. I left the compound and began running, only this time I allowed myself to be 'attuned to the spirit of the woods'.
What do I mean by that?
Well, it's a trick I picked up from the book of no words. 
By opening my mind to what is happening in this moment only, I found I could sharpen my senses; see things, hear things and smell things I would ordinarily miss if my mind was filled with everyday thoughts.
Opening out the senses, I started running, following my usual paths, but, instead of avoiding these newly reopened trails, I veered onto them and followed them as far as I could.
Some of them opened out into the surrounded desert, whilst others headed to the hills. They were all  devoid of vegetation after a while, so not easy to follow further without being spotted. I stayed within the strip of green which clothed the edge of the river.
Coming back into the wooded area once more, I left the track and, crouching down, stopped. My senses told me there was something odd happening close by.
Closing my eyes, I opened up to the sounds around I heard a constant trampling sound and it wasn't made by an animal. This one only had two legs, you could tell by its gait. Listening, I pinpointed the direction of travel and the speed it was moving in, just as I would if stalking prey.
Carefully opening my eyes, I watched as two men, heavily armoured, walked through the undergrowth. I didn't recognise them or their armour.
"Which way?" I heard one whisper.
"This way, the track should be somewhere ahead." Their intonation was off. Their use of words slightly different from expected.
The pair attempted to be quiet but to me, sounded more like two legged cattle. 
Birds took flight calling out the presence of something threatening. These two were as subtle as stone blocks. 'Definitely out of their comfort zone' I mused.
"Why are we here anyway? Weren't we meant to meet the rest of our unit near the rice fields? Where are they?" This one sounded anxious, not wanting to be out in all this. I giggled to myself, easy prey to scare, me thinks.
I carefully removed my slingshot and finding a suitable stone aimed it at a tree the other side of them. It hit with a satisfying thud.
"What was that?" He yelped, jumping out of his skin. Yes, he was panicked.
I found another stone but this time fired at a shrub making the leaves rattle. 
"Who's there? What's that? I don't like this. Come on let's get out of here." With that, he sped up, dragging his mate with him.
I could hear their progress so followed in their wake. I wanted to see where they went, who they met up with and......
I heard a dog call. Some distance off but a definite call. Again, I suspected human. The sound was not from the voice box of a four legged animal, which would be closer to the ground, this was another human.
The people I hunted with didn't use a dog call, the bark being easily confused with wild dogs which seemed to be everywhere.
I waited. There it was again. Then an answer. A different bark. Another human. Birds went up, screeching the presence of trouble. I back tracked intent on finding the source of the calling.
Then another one. Interesting, three different actors in this charade.
I went in search of the first one. This, I suspected, was the main actor in the gathering. 
I looked at the sun's position in the sky. The gates to the town would close soon.  I realised I didn't have time so headed back kicking out on to the wide tracks so I was easily seen.
Just that young man out running once more, but this time returning empty handed.
Little did they know.


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