76 The detachment of Bǎo

Second Master summoned Officer Bǎo to his quarters.
"Sir," Bǎo gave a courteous bow and smiled as he lifted his head. "My men are fully trained and ready for service, Sir. When do we move out?"
"Tonight. Those at the front line are dying and as yet have received no support. Do you have necessary weaponry for these covert missions?"
Bǎo nodded. "Xin Yi has taught us well and has become an important part of our team. I'd like to take Niao too, as her skills are beyond reproach. She is very familiar with the terrain and would be a powerful asset alongside Xin Yi."
Second Master looked worried. He'd long since begun to see Niao as his step daughter and the thought of placing her in direct line of fire troubled him. He shook his head. Deep down he knew she wouldn't stay if she knew of our plans, so nodded his agreement. "Keep her and Xin Yi safe, well as safe as they'll let you." Looking up, he continued, "I will give you five days before I expect a report back. In that time, I want you to gather as much detail as is possible."
Bǎo nodded, "Sir."
"Also, see how my brother is fairing under all this. Those who are badly wounded, they need to be moved somewhere safe, but that is for you to decide between you officers. After all, you're at the front, not me."
Bǎo nodded. " I believe it is important you work with the Zhang officers." Bǎo said, "I suspect an invasion is on the cards and foreign soldiers are already gathering in pockets. If they bring the war into the town many innocents will be killed."
"Agreed. I will go into talks with some of them tomorrow. They're willing to listen as long as the old man is kept well out of the way." Second Master shook his head. "My father has caused many to lose their lives already, I'm not prepared for this to continue."
With this Officer Bǎo received his orders and with a courteous bow, left to prepare an early departure.

Hao Yang and the other officers braced themselves for the disappointing report.
"Speak," one of the officers barked.
"I went to Second Master as you requested and he was horrified by my report and your requests that had gone unanswered."
The officers looked at one another, relief and hope on each of their faces. 
"Go on," the Officer was eager to hear what was in the report.
"Second Master has taken over the seal," cheers went up round the map table. "He immediately called a meeting with the remaining officers from the Chen garrison and has begun mobilising troops to join us."
Delight rang out, at last, good news.
"Also," the runner continued, "he is mobilising a new unit under the control of Officer Bǎo? I was told to say that name, Officer Chen?"
Hao Yang smiled, he knew what this meant. Those covert operations Niao had begun all that time ago were now taking shape. Not only was there going to be face to face fighting but some very underhand tactics were about to be unleashed. His smile became a beaming grin, "well gentlemen, we have our reply and I for one am delighted to report this to my men. Maybe now we can lift the morale back up and fight to win once more." Hao Yang chuckled, "if Xin Yi and Niao team up fireworks will happen of that I am certain."
The remaining officers looked perplexed. This was something he'd keep to himself for now.
Shaking his head, he chuckled out loud, "Gentlemen, today is going to be a good day," and he strode over to the tent to speak with his men.


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