82 Dismissed
I must have fallen asleep where I was because it was dark when a gentle hand on my shoulder woke me.
"Niao, wake up. Niao, we've been given orders. Niao? Come on, time to wake." The gentle sound of Xin's voice made the tears fall once more. She looked at me with great sorrow and hugged me close. " We've our orders, love, we're to leave at first light."
I looked up and saw her face. There was a softness in her eyes. I flung my arms around her neck and wailed.
" I can't do this any more Xin. I want to go home."
"I know, and I do too. We're in luck then, because we've been ordered back to the garrison.
Bǎo and his men will remain until they have shifted the dead into the desert. Then they've also been told to return and protect the town ...... under the control of the new General Chen," she paused as I took it all in, "Second Master."
I started. Staring into her face I realised I wasn't hearing things. Second Master was now in charge; no wonder things were getting sorted.
For the first time in months I had something to smile about.
Two things in fact. I was out of here and Second Master was in charge.
"But what about Hao Yang? He will stay here won't he?" I suddenly realised I wouldn't be seeing him every day.
"He'll stay with his men, of course, and continue defending the front we've established here. You'll have to wait before he will come back to you." Xin smiled and stroked my hair. She knew. Just as I knew she and Bǎo had become a team.
"Okay. Well, let's start packing. Not long before we're back in town and we can place these experiences behind us."
For the first time in some time, I smiled and relaxed. I had experienced much. It was making me appreciate what I had. As the wordless book had said, ' you have to experience hate to understand love. You have to go through pain to realise pleasure'. Yet another part of the book's teachings was starting to make sense.
I wasn't sad to leave. I saw Hao Yang before I went and we awkwardly chatted before we parted. We both wanted to say more but there were too many people about.
After a courteous bow to the Officers, we turned back toward the town and followed the well worn path in bright daylight.
I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to tell her, I knew how she was feeling, and I wanted to hug her close and tell her it would be alright.
But I couldn't.
We stood a respectful distance apart and said our goodbyes. She had been crying. My heart ached. I wanted to cry with her, but I couldn't.
I looked at Xin. She knew. She always knew.
I watched as they left, knowing I had at least given them their freedom. It had been a long, hard meeting but I had them agree this was best. Bǎo and his men would also return once the dead had been shifted. I trusted him. He would watch over the two women and keep them safe.
I turned away, "Get me Officer Bǎo and ask him to come to my rooms. I have orders I wish to give him."
At least I could give them that much. One day, I wanted to give her her world back, and then I would ask if she would allow me to share it with her.
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