85 Time to go back

I woke as day was breaking. The clouds revealed narrow glimpses of a soft, autumn, blue sky. I smiled, it was a pleasing sight to open one's eyes to. The orange from the morning sun cracked the horizon bringing hope for a pleasant day, 'cold night though' my brain muttered.
The camp was covered in a thick layer of dew, but inside the skins, it was warm and dry. The waterproofing was still holding up. The fire had been well made. The embers still glowed red, ready to be ignited once more, with fresh wood.
I looked across at Xin. She was sound asleep. It was probably the first deep sleep she'd had in months; I didn't disturb her but stripped off and went to the river to bathe.
With my comb on a leather thong around my neck and my muslin cloth in my hand, I lowered myself into the crisp waters. Today, I would luxuriate and allow the cold waters to wash away the thoughts which had begun to haunt me. 
The waters eddied where we camped and fish rested here. It made fishing easy. I reached down and caught two sleeping carp and threw them on the bank, then walking back out the water, killed them and started scraping the scales. These would be a lovely breakfast, then we would need to move..... but not yet.
Slowly Xin surfaced, the smell of cooking fish and fresh tea being brewed made her salivate with expectation.
"Good morning," I smiled toward her, "you slept well?"
"You know I did! That was much needed." She looked toward the fire as I passed her a bowl of tea. "Carp? Ooh, they're big! One each then?" She beamed and it warmed my heart. Sitting up, she took the tea, "thanks. I really don't think I can face going back into the town full time, can you?"
She expressed my inner feelings, "no, the thought terrifies me. I really can't be doing with that many people, those many rules, all the expectations." I paused and thought about it, "but I do want to see Second Master. I do want to hear the latest, but sleep there, no. I need this," I gestured to the camp and the waters, "I need this."
"We'll just have to tell him. We've got passes to get in and out the garrison, why not use them. Leave the town before they close the gates and return once they're opened again. That way, we can get the best of both worlds. Anyway," she reached forward and turned the skewers in the fish, "we've had a tough summer. It's already autumn. Winter is fast approaching and it's cold up here. Let's enjoy our freedom for as long as we can and then beat a hasty retreat when the snows come and living gets really tough. We’ll have to find somewhere in town then, somewhere tucked away but near the gates so we don’t have to stay in the town for too long."
She made perfect sense. "Okay," I grinned, and reaching forward, tested the fish, "is it ready, I'm starving!!"
We both laughed and settling back we devoured our morning catch. 

Colonel Chen stared out at the morning activities. Scouts were returning, gaining access as soon as the gates opened. Envoys were arriving from neighbouring towns asking for help and protection. Soldiers were mobilising into units ready to leave in various directions. Today, this morning, there was no gentle repose, no quiet few minutes, but straight into, full on. 
How he disliked this role. How he disliked all these decisions, strategy meetings, rangling over who did what and whether they had rank enough.
At this moment he needed a hearth, a hammer and a very hot piece of formed metal...... but not today. Not yet at least. 
"Sir, there are two women at the gate. They say they are expected."
" Let them through." For the first time in a few weeks he felt a modicum of hope radiate through his soul. "Show them in here, quickly. I've been expecting them."
"Certainly Sir," the orderly bowed and retreated to carry out the task he had been given.
"The two ladies, Sir," and with that Xin and I wandered in both wearing radiant smiles.
"Second Master, or should I say, Colonel Chen, we've missed you." I walked up to him and smiled my best smile, my hands kept firmly behind my back. 
Xin bounced over, "yes, we've missed you very much." She looked over her shoulder, "bit noisy and busy though, not used to all this commotion."
Second Master looked at us and smiled back. His eyes looked strained, tired, not the man I was used to seeing; full of energy, jovial, funny.
"There's much going on little ones and I suspect your special skills will be needed here too." The smile left is face and he sat down, hands on his knees.
"Sit, the pair of you. Have some tea and let me get you up to date. Much has happened the past six months and there are many villages and towns in the area experiencing trouble from foreign soldiers. The next units are being dispatched as I speak. Troops are getting thin on the ground and we cannot keep up with the requests for help that keep coming in." He shook his head, " just before you arrived I noted another two envoys going to see Commander Zhang." He reached forward and poured tea for both of us. Passing it to us, "so you can see, we may call upon you two to use your skills in the town and surrounding district. Keep the food supply going, the roads open, you know, that sort of thing."
I looked a Xin. Neither of us wanted to do this but both of us knew we would. We would protect the pack, the women and children, but....
Xin piped up. "You know Officer Bǎo and his unit will be returning shortly?"
"Are they? Yes, you're right, yes, they are." He looked overloaded. "That'll help." 
I looked at Xin. It was clear Second Master was no longer 'present in the room', his mind had already begun working once more.
I rested a hand on his arm. "We'll come back later when you are less overloaded with decisions you need to take. You know we're back safe and sound, so we'll go and find a place to bunk down for today. Alright?" I paused and looked into is almost blank eyes. I was worried. Hao Yang never looked like this. Maybe this was the difference between them. 
I continued, " we will go into the town and re-familiarise ourselves with the place in daylight. Check places out and talk to people. Then we'll come back later in time to eat together and talk over next steps."
I looked at Xin and she nodded in agreement. 
Second Master nodded. "Okay, I'll get this sorted and expect to see you two at evening meal." With that, another envoy arrived and Second Master was already onto the next thing as we turned and left.


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