87 Rest.

Many of the gardens had been abandoned, so vegetables grew unchecked, unpicked. We had plenty to choose from, so we set ourselves up on the edge of the stand of trees not far from the most unkempt ones.
"I'll stay here with you for a few nights," Bǎo looked at me almost asking permission. 
"Of course," I smiled at him, "it's your face she'll want to see and your arms she'll want to sleep in." 
He relaxed. The rest looked round, "can we stay, even overnight? We've not had a night off in nearly ten months!"
I wept with delight, " oh, it would be so good for us all to be together. There's plenty to gather, plenty of extra rations secreted away in our bundles for all of us to enjoy. The carp pond isn't far...."
"I'll go!" One of the men stood up, "point me in the right direction. How many do we need? I'll get a full dozen, maybe more if I can. Who's coming?" 
Another two stood and the three of them were off, relieved at being able to do something.
Others set about fire building, each one serving eight people. 
Slowly, the cooking pots, kettles and water collecting jugs came out.
Rations were pooled. Dried meat set in pots to re-hydrate, vegetables collected and extra water too. Within an hour the whole camp was buzzing with friendship, activity and happiness.
Beds were constructed around fires; the pack was together. All was right in my world.
I tipped my head back and howled. Each member joined in, the sounds of the pack echoing around the fields. It was a wonderful homecoming, an important gathering, a re-establishing of bonds which had been stretched but never broken. 
I suspected our howling chorus was heard in the town. I didn't care, this was howling in celebration; the pack was safe, the pack was together, at least for one night.
It was then a saké bottle came out. Just enough for a nip each, but such a nice addition to the gathering.
Xin was still out cold. 
I suspected mental exhaustion had caught up with her. She'd not lived my life as long as I had and hadn't found strategies to clear this. I just needed water to lie in, to cleanse me of the emotions. To let go and float freely away, from the turbulent banks. 
I looked at her, tossing in her sleep. Bǎo gently lifted her up, and wrapping her in one of her night skins, cradled her. She nuzzle in and settled. He smiled. 
Yes, this was a perfect pairing and he would protect her with his life.

"Sir," the attendant came into Colonel Chen's quarters, "there's reports of a wolf pack just outside the town. We've been requested to send soldiers to kill them. There's a worry they could come into the town and cause trouble."
Second Master looked at the attendant and chuckled. "My suspicions say they are two legged wolves and it's a pack of about twenty six individuals." 
He turned to the window and gazed out at a stillness he so desperately wanted to touch. 
He envied Niao and Xin. They demanded their freedom, as will  Officer Bǎo's unit, and he will have to give them full autonomy. He dearly wished he could do the same.
Turning back to the waiting attendant, "Send out a pair of the soldiers familiar with the special unit. I know of a pair of brothers, Bó and Fù, I don't know their full names. Find them and send them out, they'll be recognised and stay alive." With that he chuckled. The attendant looked stunned, "but..but.."
"Don't over think, just do as I ask. I know what I'm doing."
"Sir," the Attendant bowed, not completely convinced, but trained well enough to carry out orders exactly as read. 


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