95 Side-ways sidings.

"So, how do we play this?" Second Master looked at Officer Bǎo. 
He and half a dozen of his men had appeared in front of them, dragging large branches behind them.
"We have a good place to leave the main track and stop a while. It might also be good to check the injured, make sure nothing has slipped under them, check they're comfortable."
"Okay, and the branches? Clearing our tracks I presume?"
"Yes," Officer Bǎo replied, "if we start clearing them lightly now and then more thoroughly as we approach the turn-off, the approaching army won't know of our whereabouts."
"Then go ahead, put your plan into action." Second Master paused before he continued, "I presume," he said, looking directly at Bǎo, "you'll be leading us? Is it far?"
"No, it's less than two hours away. We calculated it shouldn't take longer than that to get us all safely off the main track and settled ready for their approach."
"You've obviously thought this all through, so we will be at your command. Lead on Officer Bǎo."
Second Master looked at this man. He was probably around the same age as himself and had a lot of life experience under his belt. 
His broad shoulders told a story of repeated hard physical labour; his legs, that of a man capable of pulling heavy loads. His nature was kind, generous, caring but at the same time, didn't think twice about killing. Second Master knew of his reputation and how he had created a unit many not only feared but all respected.
'They are a force to be reckoned with' Second Master mused, 'I wonder if their skills, their training could be brought into the training of all the troops when we get home?'
He let his mind mull over ideas and once more drifted to thoughts of home, his wife and his children. How he longed to scoop them up into his arms and drink in their smell. 
He breathed in deeply and in his mind he was cuddling his youngest daughter.
"Sir?" Someone brought him back to the moment.
"Yes," he said, turning in the saddle. One of Bǎo's men had run up beside him.
"Officer Bǎo is signalling to start turning the caravan. Will you give the order so we can sweep?"
Second Master hadn't noticed the time slip by, lost in his thoughts and revelry. "Yes. Sorry,  far away." Hàorán had pulled along side him at some point and on seeing him, started. Hàorán smiled, “family?” was all he needed to say.
Second Master raised his hand and brought everyone to a halt. Turning, he held his index finger to his mouth, and then raised his hand. The whole caravan fell silent. He placed his index finger to his lips once more and then gave the sign for a turn. 

"I can hear them coming, shouldn't be long now. Is everything ready?" I looked at the remaining men. 
They nodded.
One group had boulders and debris ready to alter the look of the entrance to the side track.
"Once they are inside?" 
"We sweep, then infill."
I spun round. "The areas ready for the wagons and carts?" Again men nodded. I looked toward another group, "and you ready to unhitch and settle the horses and mules?" 
Again the thumbs went up. It was all organised.
I waited. I hated this bit; the anticipation before the action. Once engaged, everything flowed but this part, the initial waiting part.
Xin came over and hugged my arm. "It'll be alright, Bǎo has organised it really well."
She was very sweet on him. I hoped it would develop into something good for her, she deserved it after the life he had lead before she met me.
"I hear them turning the corner." 
I snapped out of my thoughts, action had begun and I could push all private worries to the back once more.


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