103 The Governor's Villa
We packed up and headed west towards the villa. It seemed almost too idyllic to be true, but as we left Shipao and entered the heartland of this province, a large building came into view.
It was hard to miss with it's impressive entrance gates, walled garden and multiple roofs. Xin and I wondered if there would be room for us. I saw a few outbuildings and headed in their direction.
"Xin, I don't know about you, but I really don't fit in there," I said, pointing toward the villa and its grandeur. I'd not stepped inside, but had already made up my mind I didnt want to go inside. " I'll stay in one of these if that's okay?"
Xin looked torn and was about to say something. I stopped her.
"It's fine. You go ahead, stay with Bǎo and his men. You know where I am and when I'm needed, you can come and find me." I patted her on the arm, "go on, I'm fine, honestly, I am quite content to spend some time in my own company. After all, I've been amongst people for quite some time and until recently I've not had any alone time to recharge, so, go, I'm fine."
With that I gave her a hug and turned her to face the villa. With a gentle push, I sent her on her way. After a few feet she turned and, running back to me, gave me a big hug. "You know I love you dearly, sister, don't you?" she beamed. I nodded, "go, find your Alpha" and with that she was gone.
The air was still and I was alone. It felt odd and familiar at the same time. I lowered my bundles and looked inside the buildings.
They had been used for storage so the floors were littered with grain, straw and stray leaves. Checking the roof, I picked the one where it looked solid and collected the two bundles.
First, sweep, second, collect straw and grasses, third, lay out my bed and fourth?
Having completed the basic tasks, the fourth was to sit outside and take in the view. Open fields of various crops gave way to waterways and small wooded areas. High paths ribboned through the vista beckoning me to explore the soon to be planted, rice fields. I smiled, 'they'll be releasing fish in there. Sadly, be too early to fish for them.' I grinned at the thought. They'd be very angry if I started eating their pest control. 'Wonder if there's going to be ducks, too,' I mused, "love duck."
I'll explore later, but now.... I sat back and breathed in the warmer air of more familiar lands; it was good to be almost .... I paused as I realised something. It was good to be almost home! I'd not used that word with any feeling before, but now, however bad things were, Chen land was and would always be, home.
Something moved in my peripheral vision; the men were already ploughing the rice fields, ready for planting; the seasons were a long way ahead here.
I noticed some of the onions were lying on the ground, drying, and the smell from them was strong and sweet. I hoped the building I'd chosen to sleep in wasn't in use, I knew I'd have to check later.
Opening the other bundle, I pulled out my cooking pot. Hunting around, I found enough wood to make a small fire and heated some water. I had a few berries which I added to the water and reached to the base of the bundle to find a slice of dried meat. Cutting it up, I added it to the water and watched as the meat softened and the berries dissolved. My first meal alone and I was looking forward to it. I looked, lovingly at the onion, wishing I could add one to the pot, but thought better of it. When I knew the farmers, I'd ask if I could take a few things, but until then.
Draining the last of the juice from my cooking pot, I sat back, chewing the last mouhful of the meat. I loved venison and that deer had been remarkably tender throughout. Once more I thanked the gods for their given bounty.
I looked round the edge of the outbuilding and saw Hao Yang coming towards me. I smiled, it was good of him to take time away from his men to come and see me.
"Why you here? I saw Xin and she said you didn't want to come inside the villa? Is that true?"
I nodded, "too fancy for me, all those rooms. Anyway, its quiet here and I can keep watching over the entrance." At least that was my excuse. He didn't argue with me, he knew me too well. "That smells good, any left?"
I shook my head, "just downed the last drop I'm afraid."
He looked at me with a serious expression, "I rarely counter your decisions, Niao, but I really need to this time. If you want space to yourself, then fine, there are small buildings some distance from the villa, but on the other side of these gates. They are dry and not in use. You can have space and privacy but I can find you..."
"But you can find me here!" I countered.
" I can find you when I am free which is usually after lights out. The gates close at dusk, I want to know I can find you when I need you. Please, Niao, please, for once, do as I ask?" His face was filled with concern, need and loneliness, " I miss the little house in the woods too, the catching of fish, the fires, the furs, the peace! Please," he held his hands in front of him, almost in prayer, "please, come with me, follow me."
I nodded. I knew I needed him too in a way. I still didn't understand it but I felt warm and safe when we were together.
Hao Yang smiled, "thank you," and giving me a hug, my second of the day, he helped me pack, clear the fire and then lead me through the villa gates.
As I imagined, the villa was huge, more splendid that Chen Manor had been. Had been. I started crying silent tears. I'd not had good experiences inside that place, but it was still a home, a place Hao and his brother grew up. "You alright?" Hao squeezed my hand, I nodded and wiping the tears, "I was thinking of Chen Manor." I felt him balk slightly, " it's only a place, it can be rebuilt."
Pulling me into a hug, he walked me out the other side of the central gardens and out into the fields beyond.
Waving his arm from one side of the vista to the other, " Senior Master Chun as given us full access to his lands and buildings.
It's been agreed the province of Shipao will amalgamate with Chen and come under its protectorate. They too, are tired of the men of Zhang marauding their land and will do everything they can to support us in our struggle."
I was astonished. Good news for once. "So we protect Shipao and its lands?" I looked at Hao waiting for an answer. "Yep, as of now, we are going into alliance." He beamed with pride as he added, " my brother is a very clever man and a brilliant Commander."
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