104 Rebirth of a new order; Twin Hammers

Sitting outside my small hut on the edge of Chun land, I enjoyed a herb tea and watched the dawn break. The sun was slow to rise at this time of year, only hanging low in the sky until it disappeared once more behind the mountains. It made an almost eerie light in the afternoon, when buildings glowed orange and red whilst trees appeared to turn black and the grass, an odd brown.
The countryside was verdant and the soil, rich. Sitting as it did, in the lea of the mountain range, it always had a plentiful water supply. Small rivers flowed through the open fields joining together just outside Shipao. This created a navigable river which continued flowing south towards the sea. I wondered if it passed through Chenxi.
Shipao itself, was built up to the very edge of the main river and various boats plied their trade along it. 
Boats filled with stored grain, potatoes and dried herbs sold directly from their boat. Sacks of lentils, rice and dried pork, fish and buffalo could be purchased for only a few bits, the whole family, it seemed, working the boats. Women leant out their windows and lowered  baskets, tied by a rope into the boat below. Shouting down their order, money would be exchanged for goods which she would haul back up. Gossip exchanged along here too. Who has had a baby, got married, died, left the area. The noise, although deafening was always jovial.
One product sold to visiting merchants was honey, much prized further south. Wagons would arrive to fill up with jars of some of the sweetest honey I had ever tasted. They visited the markets and bought large quantities of hand made honey sweet treats. Flush with their loads, I watched them leaving the following day to sell them in distant markets, no doubt at inflated prices.
Sipping my drink I waited for the men to come. I drifted in my thoughts, content with life as it was. I swam in the centre of the river and the current carried me effortlessly along.
The House of Chun was wealthy beyond our conception but generous to a fault. They had given us their house and land which allowed the army to regroup and to grow in strength. Men from Shipao volunteered to join and slowly, the numbers increased. A deep friendship was developing between the two tribes and with that a trust which opened doors as well as hearts. 
It was peaceful here. I liked it. I liked the people, they were akin to brothers and in the weeks that followed I began to feel part of something.
I was training the men in groups of ten or twelve, to run, jump and dodge through the landscape making as little sound as possible. They each wore a cream covering on their throats and carried bamboo shards coated in rouge. The aim of one of the 'games' was to chase each other and kill them by leaving rouge markings on their necks, or disabling strikes to the backs of knees followed by a death blow.
The running gave them a level of fitness for the pursuit and the physical labour in the fields, the strength to weild the sword or killing knives for extended periods of time.
Looking out onto the fields, men were already pulling ploughs, digging ditches, all by hand. As Major Bǎo said, "we need to be fit, so we plough, we strain, we run, we build ourselves so when we fight, we are victorious!" He had the men in the palm of his hand; he was an excellent leader. 
I watched as he took the weight of a plough and leaning into it, pulled the wooden instrument through the sticky mud. The men watched. They had struggled two up, he comes along and moves it easier than them on his own. I smiled. He never expected anything from his troops that he didn't do. He lead by example and the men loved him.
So far, I had trained nearly fifty and within them a group of approximately thirty were perfect for the Twin Blades unit Bǎo had created. The men from his original group were also training men which meant Twin Blades was becoming an impressive force,  possibly two hundred in number. 
Xin had been busy too, creating guards and breast plates which were easy to run in but strong and resisted attack. Her skill with materials transformed the look of the Chen men. She used her knowledge from living as an itinerant and their expertise as soldiers to create something which gave free movement as well as maximum protection. She had collected a large group of the Chun ladies to work with her. It was a big undertaking but she approached it with her usual style, bright, happy and 'all is possible'.
Second Master had taken on all the blacksmiths within Shipao and each one of those worked two apprentices. They were going to be the bedrock of the Twin Hammers main army. Many men from Shipao joined up and became as much part of the Chen army as the Chen men themselves. Both had a common enemy, both wanted rid of both the Zhang and the Mu tribe. 
I sensed a movement and turning, saw Xin approaching. She beamed, and bounded over. "Not seen you for a couple of days. Busy?"
I nodded. Like her, we were preparing to move onto Chen land and release it from Mu's clutches. We knew there would be much to rebuild but with Chun's support and the free trading arrangements we'd made, both would prosper. 
"The groups I'm training should be here soon. Tea? It's a herbal mix."
She nodded, and pouring some into a drinking cup, I passed it to her.
"How's Bǎo? Is he pleased with how training is going?"
"He seems to be. Every morning he wakes and bouces out to the training ground. Hao Yang is busy but a bit distant." She paused and took a sip, " nice, thank you, yes, he's a bit distant but he seems inundated by pieces of paper, attendants, scouts and messengers. Then there's his father." She shook her head, "he's becoming more difficult each day. He shouts at everyone undermining every order either Hao Yang or his brother give. The arguments are nasty. " She shuddered and drank her tea. It was obvious things were difficult around the Manor. I was so glad I stayed away.
Xin looked up, "Ooh, here they come, I'll leave you to it. I've got the arm guards finished and throat guards are in production. The women are doing a superb job you know. Um, the light weight chest guards are coming but as yet not enough. I want to get the throat guards finished today so we can concentrate on the body protection. Undergarments. What colour do you think is best?"
We talked around this subject for a few minutes until the men arrived, then she left and I returned to training.

Second Master continued to check in with all the officers. He saw his brother walking across the courtyard and headed in his direction. He looked harassed, his hands full of orders, reports and financial ledgers. He was good at his job but it was taking its toll.
"Hey, A'Hao, you have a minute?"
Hao Yang looked up, and seeing his brother,  smiled somewhat thinly and stood still.
"Is everything alright? Have I forgotten something? I've got......"
Second Master held up his hand, "it's okay, I'm just chatting with my brother. Remember him? The carefree young man who always smiled? Not seen him recently and wondered how he was?"
Hao Yang shook his head absent-mindedly, "sorry, there's just so much to do and all my staff are rushed off their feet. It's not easy rebuilding an army you know. Financially, it costs a lot and with the sacking of Chenxi there is no money in our coffers. We rely on favours which require a great deal of diplomacy and something we just don't have. Time."
"I just wanted to say hello brother. Let me deal with the diplomacy, alright? Let me know what's needed and I'll arrange it. As to our father," he sighed and gritted his teeth, "ignore him, I'll deal with him. He is the last thing you need on your plate."
Hao Yang visibly sighed. "Thank you, but if you'll excuse me I have to get to the kitchens to collect their orders." and with that, he bowed to his brother and hurriedly left. Second Master watched as he retreated. That was the first time he had bowed. That was the first time he'd not recognised his brother. A deep sadness came over him as he realised the pressure of work had stolen the very soul of this bright and loving man.

A Chun scout arrived. 
He was disheveled and bloody. 
As he came onto the Manor grounds he collapsed and the horse bucked him to the ground.
Second Master ran over to him.
"Sir, the Mu are looting." He paused as if catching his breath, " they've set fire to some of the out lying farms and are heading this way." His eyes began to glaze, "Sir, we need your help..." and with that he collapsed.
"Attendants! Stretcher bearers! Attention!" Second Master looked around as men came running from the Manor. " Get him inside. Tend to his wounds. Attendant, get me the Majors now, to my chambers. Mobilization of troops in one hour!" And with that he turned. "This time they will lose and they will lose very badly." Another attendant ran up expecting orders. "Find Niao and Xin Yi. I want both of them battle ready in one hour. We move but towards the mountains. We take out those men once and for all!"


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