106 Calling in the cubs

Xin let out a roar, 'come out of hiding, cubs, follow my sound.' She had a different roar to mine but the men should understand, at least I hoped they did.
Slowly, men began to appear. The shock on their faces when they saw the two men of Mu was something. I couldn't determine if it was because they were Mu or rolling around in agony, foaming at the mouth, whilst Xin sipped tea smiling as she watched them.
"Oh, you're here, like some tea?" The nonchalance with which she spoke threw them. She smiled and raising her cup in salute to them, "haven't you sat and waited for prey to die?" She turned to the two Mu men. She tutted and shook her head, "they are dying slowly," and leaning forward towards the one who bragged about chucking the girl down the well, " you dying in pain? I do hope it's excruciating. I do hope every bone in you aches, I hope the pain in your skull feels like ants eating your brain away." She paused as the man, clutching his stomach, glared at her. She smirked, "naughty boy, you still able to hate me? Aren't I pretty enough? Wouldn't you like to have me? Throw me down a well?"
She kicked him and he rolled over in abject agony. Laughing, she looked at the cubs, "training going well?"
They stared at her more afraid than they'd ever been.
"Yes," I said, "never cross her, she looks gentle, but she's as gentle as a cobra."
Slowly, the men sat down. I noted how they gravitated toward me keeping a healthy distance from Xin. " I promise you gentlemen, she is the kindest person I know and always protects her own, so you have nothing to fear, however, " and I looked towards the two men who were now in their final death throws, "she has faced so much hardship in her childhood, it's created a streak of the malevolence in her which comes out when she hunts men."  I hoped this would appease them. Xin was, after all, a sister to me and I trusted her with my life, I needed them to do the same.
" Okay, cubs, I hope you've learned some tricks?" They nodded.
"Thanks for this training Niao," he bowed as he spoke, " you two are as the stories say you are. I'm glad you're on our side. With you, we will win our battles. We gain great courage from you and will follow you both wherever you lead us." He bowed again and other cubs did the same.
Xin blushed. She kicked one if the dying Mu men, "see, some people appreciate us! I hope, in your next life, you come back as a pretty woman then you can enjoy the benefits of men like you." With that final comment she reached down and slit their throats. "Got bored waiting," was all she said, "more tea anyone?"


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