114 Still waiting
Bǎo looked out and wondered what the two ladies were doing. They had been gone for so long, he was beginning to wonder if they would ever come back. 'I wonder if we should send some people out to find them? Just to see if they are alright?' He searched the horizon as he did every morning but it was always to no avail. Once, he had seen two people walking towards the town and his heart missed a beat, until he realised it was two farm worker returning home. He turned from the lookout and was just about to go back to the barracks when Hao walked up. "Any sign of them?" he asked as he approached. Bǎo shook his head. "Don't worry, I have every faith in Niao. She is keeping Xin away until she is back to herself and it will take as long as it takes." He reached forward and placed his hand on Bǎo's shoulder, "trust me, I know her well and if there was a problem, I'd know." Bǎo looked at Hao and wondered how he always seemed so calm. He nodded...