36 Returning
I watched her as we pushed off. She'd removed her bindings from her hair and it flowed around her masking her face and shoulders. It made me realise hair styles indicated position within society. With some hairpins it often indicates the person themselves. I reached up and took out the top bun I had always worn for as long as I remember and allowed my hair free reign too. It felt alien but I knew this was something no-one would expect of me. I was learning. She slid under the top skins and vanished from sight; these skills were instinctive to her; new and fascinating to me. I could see how successful camouflage could be in combat. This was one of the skills of the assassin. Yes, she was showing me the skills warfare and I was eager to learn. Her quiet voice jolted me back from my reverence, " we go back, we leave no-one alive, there must be no reporting back." This was a command not a request. I turned the boat towards the shore and prayed there would be enough space t...