84 There!
We sat and chatted by the fire as the light dimmed. We'd finished off the vegetable soup and eaten every delicious mouthful of our fish. Now it was time to sit back and enjoy a fresh tea. "You hear that?" Xin looked at me for conformation. I nodded. She directed me left as she went right. It didn't take long before we spotted them, two men peering through the trees, looking for something or someone. "Can you see them anywhere? We'll have to go back soon, it's getting too dark," one of them whispered. " But what will General Chen do if we....." "You looking for us?" It was Xin. She made them jump so badly, they fell backwards into the shrubbery. Typical Xin, she tipped her head back and laughed. "Not very good in the gloom are you?" her peel of laughter filling the void. I walked toward her. "Don't pick on them Xin, it's not their fault," and I too laughed at the looks on their faces, with bits of bus...