
Showing posts from October, 2024

64 Recovery and rearrangement

The train moved on each day and stopped at night. I travelled in a wagon, tucked up in a bed as I healed. Hao Yang  was with me most of the time.  I rarely saw Xin.  Hao Yang  told me she was busy training the others. Little did I know, 'others' was reduced to just Bǎo. I was getting bored and restless. I wanted to be free again and however much Hao Yang  cajoled me, I had to escape. " The wound is healing well so some activity would be good. It shouldn't open up as long as you don't take on any fights for a while." The doctor was reassuring Huáng more than me, I could feel the improvements and I was doing far better than before; I was delirious for days and bad for weeks getting over the first mauling. This time it was just one of the cubs. I'd not seen it, keeping a watchful eye on the mother. Now if she'd swiped me I'd have been dinner! I did side swipe the cub with my hunting knife so it thought twice about a second flick of its paw. I legged i...

63 Fading in and out

We ate, cleared up and buried our waste, then set off down the hill to the narrow valley floor. Cart tracks littered the surface making our progress harder, but anything was better than fighting the wooded areas around us. I jogged alongside Hao Yang  but my shoulder was singing with the pain. I wanted to stop and just curl up as I had last time but we didn't have that luxury, we had to catch up with the army as it marched forward.  I reckoned we were about a day, day and a half behind them now. If we kept going we could cover the majority of the distance during the light hours and then rest as the night drew in. It was risky but we had no choice. What concerned me more was sourcing food and water. Xin could take care of that, I was almost done. Huáng put his arm under mine and holding me round my waist helped me by lifting me up and lightening my steps as we ran. I was relieved. In this fashion we kept going. My legs automatically ran even though I was barely conscious. ...

62 Weary

I'm so tired of being mauled by mountain cats. This is the third time and I want it to be the last. The wounds are invariably deep and infected. I hate it. I want out of this territory as quickly as possible.  "We eat then we move. Hao Yang  please wrap this shoulder of mine well, I can't afford to leave a trail of blood scent." I looked at the jerkin, " burn this. Xin, get me my spare one from my bundle." Turning my head to look at Hao Yang , "yes to the idea of thick shoulder and upper chest protection, this mustn't happen to any of you." He nodded and continued dealing with the wound. " It can't be stitched. All you can do is clean it, cauterise it as best you can and wrap it tightly." As I said it, the searing pain ran down my back and I arched in response. "Sorry, it must hurt but bear with me, one more.." and with that he touched my back again with the red hot blade. I could have screamed but didn't want to att...

61 So long gone?

Xin Yi put some more wood onto the fire. It burned bright and warm; welcome in a chilly night. " She's been gone a long time." It was more a statement than a question. I agreed. "Mm, not known her to go off for this long. I'm hoping she's alright. It's awfully quiet up there, not heard a sound since she left." I looked at Xin and knew she was worried. "She told us to stay and keep these three safe. Best we stay put, she could come back any time." Looking around the camp, "any water left, really could do with a small cup, warmed" With that Xin Yi reached beside her and pulling out a bamboo jug, poured some into a cooking pot. " Give it a few minutes and it'll be ready." She smiled, but it masked a multitude of concerns. It seemed as though Niao wasn't going to get back. Dawn was just breaking over the ridge, throwing light on our three sleeping beauties. They began to shift, and rubbing their eyes and stretching t...

60 I hear a call

We'd covered some distance but that was tempered by the fitness of our partners. Bǎo was doing well, but crashed about making more noise than a boar on the rampage.  Not far from us, I could hear more noise, birds scattering in alarm and suppressed curses. There were a few boars running tonight but none had four feet. I heard a call.  It was Xin Yi.  It sounded fed up and ready to quit, not the sound of, "I've found a camp spot" more a "can we please stop, this is killing me." Next, was Hao Yang, polite in his call, but only responding to Xin Yi. I called, equally tired, only providing a response. I stopped, we needed to meet and make decisions. I called again, this time calling them in. I heard the grunts of reply and waited. Xin Yi was first to arrive and looked at me exasperated. Bó, sagged and sat down, panting.  Next came Fù who fell into sight, tripping over a fallen tree branch. He was followed by Hao Yang who gave me a look, "was I ever as bad a...

59 It's time

Hao Yang didn't get back until early the next morning. The bundle on his back was huge. "I've brought gifts," dropping the heavy load onto the ground and stretching his back. "Yí Rán sends her love and black clothing for the men, plus my brother formed sets of arm protectors for each of you," handing them to the three sleepy men and then turning to Xin Yi, "we thought these looked very much you." He grinned and handed over a pair of dark brown arm bands mottled in black and red. The straps were similar, thick and strong. She looked them over and offered one to her arm, "they're gorgeous." Skipping around like a child she beamed at him, " can't wait to thank them in person." Silently, he handed me my arm guards, "yours, I think," he said whispered, and smiled. "Next," Hao Yang announced, "six, three quarter blades as promised. That's why I was later than expected. The forge was running so he a...

58 Arrival of Detachment Officer Chen

We'd been continuing with the training for a over a week now and things were coming to a head. Some were gelling with others, forming cooperative pairs, whilst others were becoming more belligerent, argumentative and disrespectful.  The necessary showdown was here. Xin and I could put it off no longer. I went off and brought back a reasonable sized deer, plus some vegetables and herbs, then set about creating a large roast for everyone. Some of the more amenable men joined in, collecting the cooking pots, water and the much needed wood. For some this was the goodbye, for others a deciding moment. I was aware of approaching footfalls and looking up, recognised the tall, slender figure coming into view. He had removed all army paraphernalia, wearing his hair in a half pony tail, tied with black ribbon. His clothes were simple leggings and black jerkin. At his waist, two fighting knives and over his shoulder, his bundle. He'd wrapped heavy leather forearm guards onto himself compl...

57 Debt payment

My arm was throbbing and no doubt still bleeding. I wanted to get it cleaned up, but the wolves were still here, making their rounds and introductions. I turned to Xin and my part of the camp, and collected the remaining goat carcass. There was quite a lot left and would have kept Xin and I in meat for the remainder of the week, but protocol dictates and I went to the Alpha dog I had beaten and handed him the food. He looked nervous but took it in his jaw and turned. A muffled cry told the pack it was time to go, and dragging the carcass between his front legs he left.  Time for my arm. Xin turned it into a schooling. " In your packs you'll find a bone needle and gut. Don't lose these, each needle is hand made by us and curved so you can use it one handed. Notice, Niao is placing the blade of the knife in the fire; this is to heat it up and sterilize it. Next she'll tip near boiling water over the wound to cleaning out. You'll notice it starts bleeding again? That...

56 Company

I'd done the first watch. The moon was high and revealed the men had settled. Some tossed and turned, others were just out cold, but none had thought to post lookouts. I shook my head. Tapping Xin on the arm, "your watch, I'm going to get a few hours. Watch them, there's no one on sentry." She silently settled up, stretched and reached over to the kettle. Pouring hot water for herself she raised her drinking pot and I settled to sleep. It seemed like only seconds later she was repeatedly tapping me. "Visitors," was all she said. I lifted myself out of my dreams and looked about.  Pairs of eyes looked in at us, a quiet but menacing growl emanating from their direction. Men started and began to scramble to their feet, " Stay Still!" Xin barked. "If you want to stay alive, stand up, place your hands together in front of you and keep your eyes down! Never look a wolf in the eyes! Do not move! Do not speak! Do not try any heroics! I will kill t...

55 Rearranging minds

After the initial incident, the men treated Xin Yi with caution. The speed with which she disarmed and disabled the two soldiers was laughable. Hao Yang was both horrified and gratified. There was a glimmer of hope for these guys, but he knew their skills didn't match these two goliaths of the forests.  "What do you intend doing?" he asked me. " Xin Yi and I have chatted about this. As she said, we have to strip them of their preconceptions, take them right the way back to survival, then rebuild them in our style. It's the only way." I looked down at the ground and continued to doodle in the mud. "Will they make it?"  I was worried, "I don't know. Maybe some will, most probably won't." Looking at Hao Yang, "I'd rather two or three well trained than five or six who could fail in the final moment."  He could see my worry and leaning forward, placed an arm around my shoulders, "if it helps, I'm already trained,...

54 Proving a point

Hao Yang came in first with Xin Yi behind. When he stood to one side and ushered her through, the men audibly reacted. The sharp intakes of breath was something else. She is a small lady with a simple figure, but her face is perfection and she knows how to turn heads. She tossed her head in their direction and smiled that seductive smile of hers. "Gentlemen, beware," I said, "this lady bites hard and kills faster. Never try your luck, you might lose more than face." She stood in front of me, bowed politely,  and looking round, "master, I come ready, when do we start?" she said looking at the nine men standing there gawking with their tongues hanging out, "and these boys are....?" Her comment laced with insults hung in the air like toxic poison. Oh, she is good and she gets better at it every time I meet her. No wonder they have her working the ale houses, they must make a fortune.  "We leave shortly, but first we need to introduce our fighti...

53 Reducing the numbers

The more I thought about it, the more I knew I had to reduce the number of men from sixty, possibly unwilling soldiers, to maybe twenty who were right behind the idea and open to being guided by two women and, hopefully, Hao Yang. Calling all the men together, I started sifting them out. "Those who have hunted deer, step forward." About thirty or so complied. "Thank you. Now, out of those who stepped forward, how many gutted your kill?" Again, all stepped forward. "Thank you. Now step forward if you have ever camped for an extended period of time, say a week, and been self sufficient?" About fifteen complied. "Thank you. Now the final question, step forward if you are married." A further four stepped forward  leaving me with a small group of single men. "Those who are married would you please return to your comrades, and thank you for your cooperation." I bowed to them as they turned, still unclear what this was all about. "Those o...

52 The Long March

We had been on the move for nearly ten days. Progress was slow, dictated by the cumbersome and somewhat heavy wagons.  At times, the mud became so deep, men and mule worked hard to pull them free. Nights were the worst.  Long columns of men, women and equipment, open to attack from enemy forces and beasts which were always after an easy meal, both attracted and repelled by the cooking fires.  I looked around. You might as well have had trumpets and acrobats announcing our moves. I was horrified by its inefficiency. I was more horrified by these people's lack of understanding of their folly.  We'd arrive and the enemy would be waiting, having already scouted out our size, capabilities and weaknesses.  I threw my hands in the air; ridiculous. I stalked to the detachment officers tent. "I wish to speak to Detachment Officer Hao Yang. Tell him Ling Niao wishes to see him on a matter of urgency." I waited as the soldier retreated.  Returning in moments he bowed ...

51 Unexpected pleasure

I hadn't expected anyone to be there when I got back, but Hao Yang was there, cleaning. I was surprised, to say the least, by his expression: he was crying. Wrapping his arms around me felt warming; the emotions came deep from within him. It was a mixture of so many fears, desires, wants, regrets, all wrapped up in one very confused young man. We enjoyed a tea together and he caught me up on the happenings at Chen Manor. Not once did he mention his father or his involvement. I really didn't wish to know. "So, what do you want from me exactly?" I looked at him, hoping he'd worked this bit out in his head. " I want you to come with us on this campaign. Your skills and knowledge will be invaluable to us and I will get to see you regularly. The other army will try and infiltrate from the side and I need your know-how to keep us safe? You can have some men to work with you.." I cut him off. "No, they will be too noisy and cumbersome with all that armour....

50 A Waiting Game

The world seemed to run at twin speeds. The barracks was a hive of activity preparing to move out. Provision wagons, armaments, tents and living paraphernalia littered the parade ground. No drills, no blade practise,  just running around completing errands, duties, calls. Me? I was lost in a moment. Lost in that split second when I felt her disintegrate before my father. That moment a fine, kind and gentle creature of the wild was destroyed by a man consumed with hatred. It wasn't until that moment I realised I had never protected her, she had always been protecting me. That in her world I was nothing but an amateur and she was the master. The moment I needed to protect her in my world, I failed.  Twice.  My brother tried but even his kindness failed to create a protective blanket around her. I walked back to the house.  Our house in the woods, where the world was calm, the river ran regardless of Man's greed, avarice, or desire for power. I watched it as it flowed o...

49 Winds of Change

It's lovely to sit and watch dawn break over the water. I sit with my green tea, a new found love of mine, and watch the world as it wakes. The birds have started their songs, the frogs have finished their chorus and all is right with the world.  Sighing with a contentment which runs through to my core, I sip my tea and contemplate my next move.  Glancing over my shoulder I catch the sight of butchered deer drying over the fire whilst it's pelt stretches on a homemade frame. It made me think of Yí Rán and I hear her lilting chatter in my head. Yes, I miss her, I miss the fun and excitement of the market and my ability to serve others; it gives me joy and fills me with gladness. It was time to go back, but with a new perspective. This had been a time of self reflection, of values and self value. It had been a time of reckoning with my past, the present and possibly the future, and I knew that belonged with the members of the Chen household.  It did not, however, entertain ...

48 Where is she?

After leaving my father somewhat speechless at my admissions, I moved myself and my close aide into the barracks. I wasn't going to entertain that man and his outbursts any more. I had taken the beatings, both mentally and physically, I had accepted his derisory comments in front of the troops, but no longer, and he knew it, because I had spelt it out clearly and loudly.  If he didn't value me as his second son then disown me! But, and this was the big but, he had to do this publicly in front of his family, friends and troops. He had to explain clearly why he was disowning me, laying out my 'sins' for all to see. I knew he couldn't do that. My sin was being born and my mother dying six days later, and that was no excuse a father could make. In fact it should make him cherish me more,  after all, I was the last product between him and his wife, which, I presume, had been made out of love not just lust. He had been shocked by that and attempted to backtrack on his wor...

47 Freedom

1I'd forgotten just how freeing it was to be back in my camp. I had returned to the water's edge so I could take advantage of the fishing, the lotus plants and my swimming. To immerse myself in the cold waters of the river was exhilarating. I could strip naked once more and indulge in feeling clean, lie in the water and comb my hair back to lustre. But most of all I didn't have to accommodate other's expectations of Me. I could be the whole of Me once more, opening my inner senses to the world and not have to guard them against attack. I shuddered at the power of that man's fierce energy. A raw, destructive force which destroyed everything in its wake. I wondered how Yí Rán coped with it, being such a gentle soul. I doubted she visited her father-in-law; I must admit she never mentioned him. Dismissing all those thoughts, I sat myself beside the water and contemplated its flow.  Yes, I had been snagged by the river bank and eddied in the pools, but now I was free, b...

46 Fallout

"That is it! Father, I have had enough of your hatred, your displeasure, your callousness. She is important to me, do you hear! She has saved my life twice now and all you can do is terrify her, just like you terrify most of the people who have the misfortune to work for you!" Hao Yang was angry and much of what he said came out after years of bottling it up. "I know you blame me for your wife's death, but Father, she was our mother too! Do you think about that? Does it cross your mind in your blind hatred of me that I might hate myself because she died giving birth to me?" Hao Yang spun on his Father, " You wish I had never been born, I get that. You dote on my brother. I get that too. Well, if you dote on him that much, maybe he should take over the Manor when you die. Maybe the best thing you can do is let me leave this place!"  With that, Hao Yang started walking out of the Hall, "and before you start yelling at me, I'm moving out to the b...

45 Emotional overload

I felt him come into the Hall at the far end, his strong emotions filling the space between him and me. Anger filled his mind. There was hatred too and bubbling underneath all that was violence, a violence where he laughed as he slaughtered. I sagged further. "What are you two here for now? It's late, there's no formal occasion,  and who is that!" He bellowed pointing his stick in my direction, " why have you brought her?" He marched towards us and my breath left my body, I sank to the floor hoping to make myself as small as possible. I waited for the beating.  "Get up off the floor you stupid girl!" I couldn't move even if I wanted too, "I said get up! Now!" The menace in his presence grew in intensity. There was a rage which was beyond anything I'd felt. No animal was like this. No animal exhibited these emotions. I could only draw on my experiences as a child; the beatings, the begging, the kneeling and the hot iron as it touch...

44 The meeting

The day finally came.  Yí Rán had sorted out a simple garment for me to wear. I looked feminine but not over the top. I was able to wear my forearm guards, I kept my hair in a simple half pony tail and carried my twin blades, but I wore proper boots. I looked every bit the woman who is suitable for 1a soldier. As we headed towards Chen Manor I became less and less confident. All I could hear were his words and the look of condemnation as I fled. Hao Yang, sensing my increasing panic, took my arm and reminded me he was there and would keep me safe. "You said that last time," my eyes wild with fright, no longer believing the words of comfort. My feet began to drag and my legs turn to jelly. I was terrified. I had faced a bear, a wolf or two, men wanting to molest me, snakes, scorpions and nasty spiders but nothing terrified me more than facing that man. Almost being dragged by this time, I was pulled into the Manor's grounds. Hao Yang looked into my eyes. "Does he terr...

43 Naming

It was early in the year. The snows had cleared and although ice still hung in the shadows, the sun was tempting the first blooms of Spring. Birds were thinking of nesting and I was cleaning the house after a long, hard and damp winter. Hao Yang arrived early to give me a hand in moving stuff about as well as chopping wood, repairing the veranda roof and unblocking the stream of ice. We had become quite a couple although there was no agreement, no physical interaction, no words of undying affection, just two people of similar ages and values finding pleasure in each other's company. "Tea?" I called from inside.  "Yes please, and do you have any honey left? A little would be nice." I grinned, I'd already put a small amount into his cup and as I poured the tea, I watched it melt into oblivion. "Ready!" I looked out the door, "Come on, let's take a break and enjoy the morning air. I want to hunt later. You come with me?" He'd become ...

42 Boiling the frog

Slowly, almost imperceptibly, my life changed. I was working in the forge for a few days a week, and helping Yí Rán in the market, for the remainder. I became known for my ability to re-grind kitchen knife edges for the women, repair favoured hair pins, make simple ones and of course, new knives suitable for the everyday use.  Yí Rán sold vegetables from her garden and the simple clothes she made from fabric she bought on the market.  I went hunting and killed a deer or two which we butchered and sold. I kept the skins, tanning them for my own use. Second Master showed me other ways of tanning which made the skins last longer. I made bags, pouches and leather straps to sell. I was starting to see how money worked. I had found Xin Li and we had caught up with news.  She had looked for me but I had moved and after seeing the remnants of Alpha, she lost heart. Her brother had joined up and was training. She'd not seen him for a while. As to the other one? No idea. She was in...

41 Changes

The cold and damp of autumn had arrived. I wasn't at my camp as much as I used to be now I worked at the forge, so things were not being aired the way I would have done in the past. My skins have a strong moldy whiff about them and I am being bitten whilst I sleep. Fleas! The skins are alive and I hate it. It's not as if I don't know how to deal with it, I just don't have the time. I knew I had to pack up and change my living arrangements, I couldn't stay in an open camp like this and leave it all day, I was asking for trouble.  That old house came into my mind and I wondered where it was in relation to where I was now. I remembered certain things; it was up the hill from the smithy, in open woods and by a stream. I knew I'd recognise the way if I got close enough. Packing up my belongings I headed to see the Second Master. I needed to find that house after work today. I needed to dry out. I really needed to wash off this horrible smell, and I needed a day to ge...

40 The Smithy

It took me a few days, but I found it. I had, however been able to look around the surrounding area of the Manor and found the barracks as well as the training grounds. I'd not seen Hao but then I didn't expect to, but as I searched the area I had hoped to spot Xin Li at some point. No luck. Second Master saw me approaching,  "Welcome back stranger, come on in and share the fire. We have some tea if you fancy joining us?" as always he smiled that open, hospitable smile of his which would put even his enemies at ease. "Come, sit down. Let me take your bundle, I'll put it over here if that's alright?" He pointed at the edge of the Smithy away from the fire and the sparks. "Thanks," I nodded and reached forward to take the tea which was being offered me. "I hear you met my father," he smiled and throwing his head back roared with laughter, "seems you bolted and frightened him witless. You missed the rebuke A'Hao gave him. Se...

39 Bolting to safety

The man bellowed at me, eyes ablaze with such fury, hatred and disgust it radiated out from him.  I couldn't take that level of animosity. I bolted. I remembered the way we had come and in a blink of an eye, was out, round the corner and racing down the jetty. I jumped into the boat, reached in and found Hao's sword and dagger. I threw them onto the wooden quay along with his change of clothing and cooking bowl. With that I cut the rope binding me to the shore and pushed off with all my might.  I had trusted him but he had not protected me from that onslaught. I forced the boat into open water and allowed the current to take me back down river. As I drifted, I gifted myself some calming thoughts, reducing my anxiety levels. And I began planning my next move. After a short period it was clear no-one was following, so, relaxing further, I looked for a shallow point along the bank where I could beach the boat. There were parameters I needed; it had to be wide enough to haul the b...

38 Return

I followed him as we made our way back to the boat. Occasionally he hesitated as he lead us back, but I was impressed by his skills. He'd walked only a few of these paths before and yet he knew the way, reading the small markers I had laid down in the shrubs and trees.  I was impressed by his skills with the sword and dagger, his Master would have been pleased with how he conducted himself.  I was also impressed by the other side of his personality, the side which had been groomed to lead. Yes, this was an alpha in the making and I hoped I could continue to bring him more insights into my way of living; at some point I knew it could save his life. We reached the boat before I realised, I had been deep in thought relying upon him and following quietly. "I have to go back," he said turning to me, "I have to go back and explain to Father. He needs to know this is the second attempt. He needs to know who is behind it and he has to be made aware of potential repercussions...

37 Dispatch

We reached our old camp site.  I was about to step out and check the area but a firm, gentle hand landed on my shoulder, both holding me back and pressing me down. She held me there in that crouching position and pointed. They had arrived. On the far side of the open space I caught a glimpse of the three men. Well armed and by the looks of their dress, mercenaries. These were not soldiers, these were hired thugs. She seemed to instinctively know. Leaning toward my ear she whispered, "the one to the outside here," she pointed at a man searching alone by the waters edge, "he's yours. Once dead, drag him as quietly as you can into the water and let him drift downstream, okay?" I nodded and with that she vanished. I cursed my boots. Their heavy soles made crunching noises as I moved as quietly as possible around the clearing, but he was so intent on what he was doing he was unaware of me approaching. I stayed low. "I've found a boat," he yelled, "...