64 Recovery and rearrangement
The train moved on each day and stopped at night. I travelled in a wagon, tucked up in a bed as I healed. Hao Yang was with me most of the time. I rarely saw Xin. Hao Yang told me she was busy training the others. Little did I know, 'others' was reduced to just Bǎo. I was getting bored and restless. I wanted to be free again and however much Hao Yang cajoled me, I had to escape. " The wound is healing well so some activity would be good. It shouldn't open up as long as you don't take on any fights for a while." The doctor was reassuring Huáng more than me, I could feel the improvements and I was doing far better than before; I was delirious for days and bad for weeks getting over the first mauling. This time it was just one of the cubs. I'd not seen it, keeping a watchful eye on the mother. Now if she'd swiped me I'd have been dinner! I did side swipe the cub with my hunting knife so it thought twice about a second flick of its paw. I legged i...